Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 20, 18 May 1865 — THE VERY LATEST! [ARTICLE]
Bootb Kiliedl llarold Secnred! A Clipper Ship passing to China, Wednesday morning, brought Washington dates to April27th. J. Wilkes Booth, and Harold had b(een pursued by Col. Baker into a barn near Federicksburg, Virginia. They were summoned to surrender. Harold was disposed to yield } Booth was not., Finally the lxirn w»s fired. Haro!d then put his hands through the door and was handcuffed. Booth fired on the soldiers, standing with the aid of a crutch. Hewas shotin the head by ; a sergeant. Pres.. Lineoln'a remains had reacbed Rochester in Western New York. Gen. Sherman knew of Lincoln's assassination before he closed his last interview with Johnston, and he himself communicated it to the rebels, His truc« with the rebela is not regarded by the Union forces. They are being" presied in every direction. Jeff Davis is supposed to be carrying off between aix and thirteen mil- - lions in money. Gen. Jobnston's army proves to be one of the best ariped in the whole Confederaey.