Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 20, 18 May 1865 — FOREIGN NEWS! [ARTICLE]
By t!ie Smyriiiote, whieh arrived last Tuead|y, we have news from San Francisco to the 20th of April. - Funeraf of Pres. Lineoln The Funeral o£Pres. Lincolk took plaee on the 19th of'Apiil with the most imposing ceremonies. Minute guns were fitēd from dawn of day from the forts around the city. Tbe funeral ceremonies commenced at noon in the east room ōf the President's house. Pres. Jobnson stood beside the remains and Gen. Grant sat at the head of the coffin, and tbe members of the Cabinet, and the foreign ambassadors were grouped around. The Kev. J)r. Hall, read a part of the Episcopal service for the buriai ofthe dead, Bishop Simpson of the Methodist Church offered a prayer. After whieh the JRev. Dr. Gurley delivered a funeral oration. At two o'eloek the rem<uns were taken to the Capi. tol, fo!lowed by a procession three miles long ānd were placed in the Hotqnda wehere it lay in the state for two days. 1
The coffin was taken and Springfield Illinois, the home of Linooln, pa?sing on i(s way, through the gveat cities of PhiWelpia, Npw York,i Buffalo aod Chicago. In eaeh of ,tbese cities it lay in stat^ Pursnit of Bootb, the Mnrderer It is believed that Booth is ih Peiinsvlvania, and that he passed through the city of Keading on the 19th of April. He is probably trying ;to get to Canada. Fifty thousand dollars have been offered for his arrest, and $25,000 for the arrest of either G. Alsorat or David Harold, his accomplices. All persons harboring or hiding either of these three men, will be liable to punishment with death. The Secretary of War declares that he has information that the plan formurdering President Lineoln was formed in Canada, and approved at ,Richmond by Jeff. Davis and his asspciates. The one who tried to kill Seward. is in prison. Surrender of Joiknstoii to Sberman.
Gen. Sherman Kad a conference with Gen. Johnston at Chfipel Hijl, fifteen miles west of Raleigh on the 16th and' 17th. It is said that Jeff. Davis was at the time at Hillsborough, forty-four miles northwest of Raleigh, in communication with Johnston, Gen, Sherman's agreement with the Rebel Government had been annulled by the Federal Government, and he has been removed from the command of his army. The • reasons givtn are that he recognized the ReJ)el State Governments, ailowed the rebeis to keep all their ammunition, annuls the law of Congress for confiscating the property of rebels, and gave terms whieh had been repeatedly rejected by President Lineoln. So now Johnston must surrender unconditionnlly, or fight against overwhelming armies. Varions Iteins. The stars and stripes were hoisted over Mobile on the 12th of Apnl. Montgomery was taken on the 12th of April, and Maeon, Georgia, on tbe 20th. Preeident Johnson has appointed the 25th of May, as a day of fasting and prayer. AIl the Union prisoners have been exchanged leaving 60,000 tō 70,000 rebel prisoners, besides Lee's armv." Mr. Seward is rapidly recovering. Twelve Mormōn preachers had been appointed by Brighnm Young to start for these islands in May.