Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 19, 11 Mei 1865 — Lincoln a Christian. [ARTICLE]
Lincoln a Christian.
Some may won<2er how «re eaa strongly of Pres)dent Lsact>ln' a Chnstian īn the BiNe seaae. TW many thiuga iu him w« couid wi»h haj diflerent. We wiah he had refuard to t, , the theatre, yet the followin ff show that Liueoin loved leaua. A gentleman havmg receiitiy WashingtoQ on busiuess wtth the Ph**Hk« was, ou leaviag home re<|aested by & to ask Lineoln whvther he ioml The business being coinpfeted. th«» qu*w,, was kindly asked. The Pr™d*«t bur his face m his handkefrt*ief. ummM and wept. He then mmed a«d >3 " When 1 l<?ft home to btke tht» oita r Suite, 1 requested my co«iotryu»e« tu for me; I \vas not rhen a \V U f my son died. the severest trial of my ; k was not uChristian. But when I *<■... t Gettysburg, and iooked upoo the . our dead heroes, who had &lleti m of their country, 1 then and ,w ;v crated myself to Chrtst. ldo /W