Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 18, 4 May 1865 — THE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The folio«riaf are th* pmeipai po 2ffts the On Sttnday, ihe ct Gen, Grmnt brok« the rebel in rrom Pete«barg, capttmnf seretai J the aama time took the South»uie Kai weet of the city. That afWni<toa J*ff, aiui other memhe» of tfee reb»i govemm«Ttt fled by raiiroad to £>tartUe, t» whieh they had psmadf mwred th» aac silTer in the Kichraoad haaka. quantitie9 of madur»erv, The rebel army a*t te the «nue depots and bri4gM»at th©y did at Chari«io#, •o that 910,000,000 «orth af pvopettx ««, consumed, aad hiew up ch«ūr uoa-elao» 3, :t4 gunboats, befo«e evacuating. Gers. Grant'a army mo*td ia earh> next momißg, but noi delay a noonu. They maich«d >traight for iw*. tion, where the Lyt*cfchoxg aad Dtecrr :» roads intefsect* fiftytwo auka «Ntoi burg. Sheridan with hi& magnifioeat cavair\ pressed the rebeis haid in thetr retn»t. turing great numbers of pnaoaei». jruo? wagona, and at iqogth oo the 4th. pkc><i hitnseif between tbefll and Lyncfcb<tix *; 4 point north of BttrHMUe lnaekMm. Gnn: on hearing of it, mafdbed ali atgi»e. reached BurkesriUe Junetioa ahe*d ot Haring eompletely cut off hia mmi. a Jhi haviog routed and capmred pan of h» *rmv on the 6tl* he wrote to Lee oa the 7tfe. s-u:a--moning him to surrmder. AiW able correspoodeace. Lee his army to Gen. Grant o<» the 9th. whole army waa paroled as at Vickabttrs allowed to return u» their honea. it may well be doubted whether G«s. Johmum continue the coatest in Nonh Can>iutft. ii he does, his destructioa is eenain. Gen. Canby's army was taovmf aptutst from the eaat side of the bay. Thrr were on th#6lst of Maieh, beaWfiof a stron| fort on Spanish Poini, at tbe mwtii »f Tensas rirer. h waa rrport»d that Gm Thomas' cavalry had taken Selma. Aiabs ma, at the aead of steam-boat navigatMr on the Alabama rirer, and the nwm traper tant town, next to Mohile, rematninf to rebels.