Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 11, 16 Malaki 1865 — Hawaiian Sailors in the Attack on Fort Fisher. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Sailors in the Attack on Fort Fisher.
h will be remembered that in the secotid and successful attack on Fort Fisher, a battahon of 1800sailors and roarines were landed from Admiral Porter's fleet, who nttempted in the most gallant manncr to ''loani" the seaward face of the iort. A correspondent of tho New Vork Times describes the scene on boord of the gun boat Santiago de Cuba, when Capt. 61isson cailed for volunteers to join the stormi(ig p«rty. Among the brave fellows who stepped forward %ere, he says, "four swarthy, broo«d-shouKi-ered Sandwich Islanders." \Vhether any of them were killed or woundfed in thatdesperate engagement we have no means of knowing, but we hope they lived to enjoy the triumph of victory, and that they rooy ail safety return to spend their prize money in Hawnii nei, and to recount their wonderful adventures over many a calabash of poi, to many a group of admiring"makamakas." In the spring ot 1863, a friend of our ni< t with a party of kanakas in New Vork statv. v ho had enlisled in the American Navy, an{ were in the cars on their way to join Con r Porter's Mississippi squadron. Probablymany other Hawaiian sailois arefighting for»he stars and stripes, while, we venture to «ay, not one ean be found in th<* ranks of tl<» rebellion.