Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 7, 16 Pepeluali 1865 — THE VERY LATEST! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


By the Onward, which arrived last Tuesday, 13 days from San Francisco, we have news from New York to the 28th of January.

The most important item of news is the capture of Fort Fisher at the mouth of Cape Fear River. The Union fleet under Admiral Porter returned to that neighborhood Jan. 12, and kept up a terrific bombardment for two days, after which the land force under Gen. Terry, took the fort by storm after seven hour's fighting. Together with the fort, they captured 1800 prisoners and 162 cannon. Soon after, the rebels blew up Fort Caswell and the two pirates Tallahassee and Chickamauga. Gen. Sherman was marching on Charleston. The main body of his army was in the interior of South Carolina, destroying the railroads in the rear of Charleston. On the 25 of January, a rebel squadron of five iron-clad vessels went down the James river to attack the Union bridges and store houses at City Point. There a battle was fought in which one rebel vessel was sunk, two severely damaged, and the rest returned with all speed to Richmond.