Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume III, Number 2, 9 January 1864 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OLELO HOOLAHA. E KUAI KŪDAL.AIA»NA l LIO * ma ka Pa Aupuni, ■M?i Ma Waiawa, Ewa, Oahu, ke hikl aku I ka la 15 o lar.uari, i ka hont 10 o kakahiaka, oia ka Poaha e hiiei mai ana. Ke ano me ka hao malaio aei: 1 Lio kane puakea, hao manamaua ano e. J. KAHAUOLONO, Luna Pa Aupunl. Waiawa, Ewa, lan. 7,1864. 111-lt* PUBLIC 1STOTIOE! THE GSTRAIT A \IMALS CO»HNBD in the Pound, CwS At Waiawa, Ewa, Oahu, Wiii be sold at puhlie auetion, on Thurßdav, Jan. 15, at 10 o'eloek, A. M. All person intereßted are hereby notified to attend. The following are the deseription and branda: 1 Borrei horse, brand not describable. J. KAHAUOLONO, Pound Master. Waiawa, Ewa, Jan. 7,1864. 111-lt* OLELO HOOLAHA. «9| E KUAI KVDAJ.AIA A\A 5 LlO itLFC\ »ka Poaono, la 9 o lanuari, M. H. 1864. 2 Lio Ika Poaluii, ia I*2 o lanuari, I ka hora 12 o ke awakea. » He mau Lio hou mai kekahi Keano me ka hao malalo nei: Ma ka Pa Aupuni. 3IIa Pauoa, Ma ka Poaono, la 0. 1 LSo kaue eieele, hao manamana e. 1 " hulupala, hao akau UllU, hema A. 1 " eeoKeo, hao ano e. 1 " hulupala, no Kamakahi. 1 " iokia, oo Kahalehili, Ma ka Poa.lua, la 12. 1 LIo kane ulanla, hao akau IK, hema QW. 1 Lio wahine keokeo, no Kalialemaana. NA IjlO HOU M.U A ME NA BIPI. 1 Lio kane hulapala, hao ano e. 1 " iekia, haohema JB,elua kapuai hao. 1 " eleele, na ike ia no, hao ano e. 1 " kalakoe, hao ano e, 1 Lio wahine eleele wiwi, hao ano e. 1 Btpi kane eleele, laho, ua oklia ka yepe!ao, aole hao. 1 " eieele, hao akaa OJ, hema 00, he kaha iwaena. 1 u opulepole, hao hema ( )LS, akau A, he ihu hao. 1 £ipi wahine eieele, hao akau KM. 1 u • eleele me ke keiki, hao akao RM. 1 " keokeo, na Puniai. NAPUNAKO. Lona Pa AepunL Pauoa, lanuari 7,1804. • ni-it* PUBLIC 3STOTICE. A THB ESTRAY AVIMALS CONFINKD ' Q OoTernment fwnd, rwS At Panoa, Wiil be (otd at public auction, on Satuniaj, Jannaiy 9, at 12 o'eloek, M., 6 honea. On Taesday, Jan. 12, at 12 o'eioek, M. f '2 hone*. AU penon itrterested are hereby notifled to attend. The foUowing are the dea<iription aud branda:. On Ssl«r«lar» Jmh. 9. 1 Biaek hone, brand not deacribable. 1 Borrei hone, brand nght BHU, left A. 1 White hone, brand not describabie. 1 Cream colore«i hone, belongs to Kamakahi. 1 Boan coiored horse, betongs to KahalehiH. Om Tmwa«7,'Jaia. 1«. 1 Bay horse, brand right IK, left QW. lWhitaq»W,b«»KigstoKah«lwnaana. LABT HOKSKS ANI> BUL,IA>CK3. 1 Cream colored horse, brand not deseribabse. 1 Uoan eolored horse, brand left Jtt. 1 6lack hone, brand not describabie. 1 Caiico hone, toand not de*cribabje. I fiSacs mare, brand not deacribabl«, 1 Black.bolL nobnu>il. 1 Biack holloek, fat»nd right OJ, WtOO. 1 Brind)»bullocx, braod Mt 08, right A. 1 Bfatck cdw, brand right KM. I Biack eaw and cait, ltnnd right BM. 1 Whfte eow, bdongs t» lVniai. NAI»UXAKO, PKwaa Ua«ler. Paooa, Jaa. 7,18#4.. 11111*