Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume I, Number 46, 11 ʻOkakopa 1862 — He Mele Haole. [ARTICLE]
He Mele Haole.
Ke mele malalo iho nei, oia ke mele kaulana o na koa o Amerika Huipuia, a no ia mea ko makou paiana i keia mele, i ike mai ai ko makou poe heiuhelu. Glory llnllplnjuh» J«hn Brown'j bo«ly lies a tnou]irring In the grare, Jolin Hct>vra'« (i«s a aionl.i'iiii« iu thc grar«r, John Bro*rn'a lKxly livs ;i ni-'ul<i'rinK in thc K rav *"» Hi9 aool'» ouirching on ! Chorut. Olory, Glory, UaUclaJ:ih ! Glory Gl<>ry llnllelujah ! Glory Ok>ry ll;illeHij»h ! HU «oul'a marchiiii; on ! The ttars of heaven nre l<x>king kin<lly ilown, • The itirt of heaven ar« tookinx kiodlj do*n, The stars of heaven are Wking kindly down, Ou the grnrc of ohl Johu Drown ! ■ v Chorus. Olory, Malk'UUah ! Olory, Olorjr, Ilallehijah ! Qlory, Olory, Itallelujah ! lII* «oul'a marchiug on ! Ile'i gr.ne to be a soldier In the ar;ny of the lle*» gone to l* a »oldtor in the anny Uie Lonl, He's gone to be a go!d!er in (he aruiy of the I/)rd, llis aoul'ā tnarchlnK 011! Choru». 01orjr, Qlory, Hnllelujah ! 01ory, Olory, IlaUelajah ! (Jlory. Glory, Hallelujah ! 11U «oul's marchlng on ! John Broirn's knape&ek i* str»pp«l upon lii» haek, Johu Ilrown's kna|>sack isstrapped uponhi» back, John Brown's knaps«ck strapped opon his back, Ilia «oul'i marchlng on ! Chorus. Olory, Qlory, Hallelujah ! Olory, Ok>ry, Hallelujah ! Olory. Olory, ilalielnjuh! H<s souPs marching on ! IIi«. pet lamb* wIU raect him on the w%y, lli» p«?t tambs wlll n»«ft him on the way, liis pet Umbi will meet him on the way— They go marching on ! ; Choru». '} Qlory, Qlory, llallelujuh ! Gtory, Glory, HalleluJah ! Glory, Olory, Hallclujah! Tliey ro nutrching on ! They will hang Jeff. Da*i« t' a palmetto tree ! They wiU hang Je(T. Da*is t' a palm«tto tre«! They will hang Jeff. l)avis t' a pahueUo Uee • As U»ey marcb along! Cko)us. Oiory, Oh*y, HaU«luJah l Glory, Olory, Hallelujah ! Olory, Gtory, llallelaj;ih ! Ai tbey tnarch a)<»g! Now, three roa«ing chetrs for Hawaii nei! Now. Ihpee rousing eheem for Ilawaii oei! Now, thre« rou»iug: cheer» for Ilawaii nei! As we are marching on ! Ckorus. Ok>ry, Glory, Hallelujah J Olory, Ok>ry, Hallelujah 1 Giory, Olory, HaUetaj*h ! IHp. llleh HiP, Hlp, Humih!