Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 6, 6 February 1892 — In Requiem. [ARTICLE]
In Requiem.
"So[.th« sbrack eagle strefcehe<l opon the plain, "No raore through soaring clouds to rise again, ' : Views his own feathers oa the fatal dart, "īhat winged the shaft that j " quivers in his heart." \- We desire to «ivo the Liberal party 0 handsome and appropriate ep'tAph, It is dead, thefefore we ean praise and bury it, lt is »ot ouf to coast any * additional gioom Hs obsequies. A bright youagJ£ra. of glory aud office has wortd and left a cold aoh i the breasts and epiga*trio ■ its l«en£Īs who had on a goverometflj jo|F m\v . uoihing ean now eōnao 5 *v°^. The numb«9r who will aay, "*re told yoo so, It is a meaii 6ort of a fa"lleh enemy that nō sensibf3* resort to, "We merely wisL_ \o eall the attention of the moiiriisrs to the caījsfe of their berievement that they ibay not be sadder withont 1 being alSo wise. The first thing was the platform. Jfc wus a hiōe platform to read. It had a fing about it that reminded one ōf the Declaration of ludependence; lt cafhe oūt strong and it expressed the ideas and intentiong of its originators to a' dot. In fact it gave them dēad 'away. It*was a dēclara,tion of ideas tliat Bush and Wilcox had previously t>een accused of entertainiug ft convicte«3 ihem in the inmds of the voters, And every,one who understood the ponditioD and prospects of"the eountry were foreed to vote agaiiist it. Nq matte'r how I ittle they liked oae sido the voter waa confrouted on the otbev side by this proclamation of revolution, industrial ruin ; and poliiieal a»arohy. Itis uaual for thoso wtto eonapke to 4estr°y governments a»d eonaiiiāiiona, to keep their maohinations as private as possible. Exposure is aore defeat. The platforro more tban hinted that they inteuded fcc overfchr9w the Supreme Court aud take the administration of justiee ip fcheir own hinds. Such a clause was j a great help to tho opposition. j The seeoud thiug that bwt tli« j Liborals was tho Bash-Wilcox-As?i-£ord combinatiou. They huveTea<-! » uumorous and dangerous native e]ej ment for years and haye given the j couutry to*so mueh trouble thasib.eh' | very »ames are au offense to a majo j rity oi the foreign voters. Thirdly jKa JUo abased every friend the p-*r: ]ty ever had and slandered eTery well j wisher īnto active oppoaUion. Requi<*cat in Fnce.