Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 6, 6 Pepeluali 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'JsOvv tm,e election is OYer, eveiyoae i is iiiicrested and ];-uo\vs all about it. liuL ike issucs at stake were \vith ns £om' moritliS ago, and if eaeli citizen bad doue iiothing but poli liis ballot, \voul«l the result have beeu, ino?>fc aBwrecllv defeat. Is it not tlve v .j>kiu duty ql every yoter to aasist in somo \ray in Qi.gaTiizing Uis party? ■wliiiti jgūt l>ave a»y of us t(? keep smny and BelEslily reap tlie advan- <>[ tho >vork and sacrifi.ce of ot!i(on the day ot election. Our dnty of eitizō»slyp in thia eountry, .m xtofc fulfil]ed by sjmp}y polling a ballot, but many ,of our voters do it nnii pa-t" thomseltes ou the back to iliiiik, how shrewd they iue to keep then>seives and their business biītpF ]>ontios, i®d "thereby save, making a of tv cu^tomer, . To t.ho!-e \vho are BP. selfl.shly ente to skii't tlie burden ōf t!ieir publi<? duty on 10 t)ie baek« of a few, therob\ !:uiking thoir work doubly hard, jnuk:ng thejr saerifiQs doubly heavy: to sueh as these, \ve \vould drop a word ut eautiou, viz; That in a eoun-' try eomposed of so many differejut iiat[onalities, the patriotic workers aie con3equeutly few, and every t?elfish lrtgg;u'd is sadly nmsed, and it wonkl be $trango if in some f i ;ampaign *the fifty gjjaiF~ihen i t mld savQ* the city of Sodom i^;iirig p they wero all attending to tho ī r own partiōular business iniencliug to do notliing but polltheir • onwvote. The conseq aenee wouldbe a political defeat that would injure thom far mo*e than a fc\v political enem i os u iKf poBsibly worse than that. Mon tliat put their sljouldei' to the poiiiieul know who do :url it is not buēiness for any man isi •'i's eouutry to keep out of politieB.

•-.<> i.urer elecfion ever toolc plaee in «f*ry country tkan, tlte one in Hawaii. lahl Wetlaes>day, Feb.'3d- The K-..•! ' baliot is an honor to these Is-ltind-r. Evcry Hawaiian and foreignti * iilmitthat he had a ehanee t«» \ f tur uhoever he pleased and iu) 'il <_ m ask, why did you do so. J > ■ <> .'im fault ftntlers amoDg§t i< i ;'lo better a thing is ; tho uiore have to find \vith it. We like to see a fellow take a thump|ing luan f;isliion and on the aame p.rineipio u e like to see a defeated carldid.;ii- iake his soup after the same ■;; r. Any atteni)>t to fmd fault wiii! liiu retums of last Wednesd»y bv (lcfoated candidates, is an attempt the babv act.