Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 6, 6 February 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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1 Whai'e the prics of Boi4 Bo*ru^,

Duuing the p.ast two cumpaigns there has been n« one that has d<ine iuore work tlian Mr. John F. Bpwler,j there has bcen n? one that more political abuse froui tlie Leo and the P. C. Advertisei•, In fact about the only geuuiue editorials in Ka Leo used the naine of thw. gtuitleiuai\ for hib Bubject. Runoing a daily, t.hey £requently frcund themselvcs hard up foi makuial lo puhlinh; tlien the name of Bowler was a bonanza, to

them but never have they with all i their drooling been able to find any- j tbing detrimental to thia gentleman's character. To his eredit he has been a strong party man. No doubt this abcse has liad mueh to do with his defeat, had he beeu as unprincipled as has been painted, he would have done what the parties electēd did do, viz; secure a plaee on the ticket of bot|i parties. If the public 1 are satisfied that these are proper metbods of securing an election ; so are we f|if tha public are satisfied j with the īload Board elected, so ayo | we. We certainly "tUink t!iat thisj city lias beat New York politics, thīs] ! timo and it is a pity that there waa | i not a few mōre New York politiciaus j I here, to prevont anv moro such erroi's. I * 1