Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 4, 23 January 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The meeting of the Meehanics and Workingmen's Political Protectivel Union last Tlmrsday night in Bol>in-1 «on's HaU, dates a new era in Hawai-1 ian poliHea. With snch inen as Panl Nowmann and A- ¥ Peterson 4 to see that we have a legal show. sueh men as J. N. S. Williams and John Ena, to protect our commercial interests; and with John Ena and; John Cummins to bind us to Ihe Ha-j waiian, we ean never be defeated. If! the "P C Advei"tiser" thinks an ( inst»nt that the Union and Hui Ka-J laiaina'iā but a ahell, ail we cansay| gentlemen, is that you recfcon withont your host. We have built carefii?'y' and with pains a struct«re that you ( cannot detpolish, and did you roalisej the honesty of purpose represented j by these organizations, we do not' ( think you wonld wish to dc so. The Mechanics Union and Hri Kfil;iiajna| are iaetitutions that hive eome *top with yo«. Were theyas sel&h!

and conceited as your so-called Inde- j penckint Candidatfes are (and they*arei a little to icdependent to suit anyi one) the tables wonld be turned oni yoa instantly by amalgating *Trith thej Liberal Party. Bat they are noti Political Scheamers as you would give j yonr readers to uriderstand. but hon-l ost men with an pur t )owo k working for yOiir political benefit as .wellas.tbeir.own, for wo do not dispute that we work for oui own p.rotection■ We ean etand politionl defeat far better tlian your lndepondent Gandidates Put up your independent toea, and by so doing defeat yourselves and us too, and damn him who says eoough.