Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 4, 23 Ianuali 1892 — THE WIRE COVERED BOTTLE. [ARTICLE]
Jīow deaHo my purse are the sceues nf my ' When prompt"bill collectors present them to"view, . The carriage, tho conc.ort, the gay poker party, And all the rnad revoiB my nighi hours knew; . The lovely bouquet, and<m;e jewel within it, . . I sent to the coryphee who said it w:is "niee," The suppers that followed When onee
Iwasinit, And_even the bottles that lay on tbe
* ipe; The extra dry bottle, tho bright beaded bottle, The wire covered bottle that lay on thc iee.
The wire covered botfcle 1 hailed as a btessing, For often at night when returned from tlie play, j I found it well with a mayonais® dreseing. And washed "down the 6alads, and cheese, of thē day. -No fear of a headache could cause its foregoing, I wanted no eounaei, brooked na advice. . .. As I gazed on this em'ol'em of mirth overffowing*. This wire coVered bottle tbat lay on the iee. " The extra dry the bright beadod bottle, The wire covered bottle that lay"on the iee.
How sweet from its glittering bed to receive it, ! This uectar that gods have invented| for men! ' How ardent I seized it! How.loth! 1 • did I leave it! j How quickly my glass needed filling; again! - ; But now, far removed from these, bright scenes of pleasure. | The teai-s of repentauce roll up in a 1 - - trio6 ' ; . I As I look o'er my bills, and in bittorness ineasure | The cost of the that lay ou; the iee. N j The bright beaded bottle, the eiitra dry bottle, The wiro oovered bottlo that U\y ou the iee. ?" — m Cl«b,