Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 4, 23 January 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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li' Mr Wn),Wilder is returned frum Ward 1, we jhall expect Jto seo him bring iu a bill requestiug govdrument icterference to reduce the price of freight and paHsago bet\veen Honolulu and the other islands. It is of great importanee to uk now, that a farmer ou Hawaii should be able to rais& a bag of potatoes a»d sell it to Tts, without a steamship company steping in and donbling its price for the freightage. The dividends oif , 1» ii ? to fat for us just now'. This steamer monopoly is holding J,he country back. These are the main roads of the country that ean be quick.ly improved by Legislative cnactments.

The Englisb -J>age in tlie ' Holois well adapted to . tho ueeds of the pācsent time. The "Ka Leo" bas always hael fivo pokes to our one. Bat the Ēnglisli iu the "Holomua"' issue<! daily, breaks the Gorillas back. It reniind» us of the Dancing Jack, ererytime the "Holomua" pats the board, the Gorilla kicks, and they are patting so fast just now, that the Goiilla is nearly unjointed.

-lohnīe CoLEP.t'RX, can 7 t make his Cole-burn, if it wood burn it wouldn't be a eohl-huīn. lt-wood-be a eole»deal if he supplied the Stone Crusljer. He is trying to sit on the wroug Boulder.

The Portuguese boys whistled the Ma<?caroni Noble oft' of tUe Royal schoolhouse verandah.

' Captain ScHLF,y, of the BaUimore, |nowlaying at Maro Isla'iul, !n S'au! Francisco harboy, was'clisapjiomte<Ho: |learn tliere \vas a elianee of tlie j culties betweeu Chile and tlie United | Sfcates being amicably settled. ; -We syjnpat.hize with the galknt |Oaptain, and if the anthorities at Washington pass this serious aflfeir oyer to lightly, the intelligent people of tbat country auel inore especially Americans in foreigu countrics would protet agaiujst it. The stabbing to death of thoae itnaruied men and the facts brought out in thf truil show to plainly that the Chileanb are pvejudiced against Auiericans. j lf the position was reversed, howi mueh iuerey could we oouni on at| their liand&. With what iueasure ye | mete to oihem it shall be iuete to youj again, is the only proper way to deal' with this waiiike people. Mercy to; iheui woukl be rewardēd by tiieir eou-! tompt. Their insults hu\e alveady : eost the eountry milHons of dollui'S, and tho po!īsesslon of thoso nitro beda' only ean reiwl>urse the country. ;

Ey the way, we have made tlie discovery lately, that the Hon. A. Marqiies has becn muchly overrated. That his influence anrongāt Portuguese does not amouilt to shncks. That he cannot even talk their lanwhieh fact was apparent at, Ward 3 meefcing the other night. Who will give liim votes ?

The text for the five day Advent Chwrch to-day, is "Saul, Sauī,. why persecatists thou me." Unbelieyixg Thomas, knows ho won't be Noble until after tho ball<»ts are counted Will he be Noble then ? Ii 1 it takes nine hundred and ninety nine sqoireles, (or voters) five minut.es eaeh tp go into a room and choose thc CheSnut they want, how long will it take pur vpters to poll tlieir vptes? The»ē is a little mpdest sheet lato!y appeared anipngst us whi'eh has eome to stop, it is a "Sehtinella," arfd fills a long felt want in our Portuguese Colonv. Mr J. M. Teixeira, is the Managing Editor, although mpdest in size, it is reputed to be a Samspn in strength, and the Marques mouth-piece called "A Uniap'' has been placed horse du combat by the little giant. The Pprtuguese *aro not interested in readipg his advc.vtisements whieli occupies the n,pst of his paper, but are anxions tp loarn of scme of the live political issu#H pf the day• Long livc "A Bontinolla."