Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 2, 9 January 1892 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
/F.H.BEDW'ARD S . Cqntractor& Builder. ' luforras his many friendeandpatrons tbat he ean bd'foand at the old stand p NO. 73 UBG STTOT, 50N0LULU, Wliei'/e.li© j.spreparcd to do'eōntracting aud l?Dilding of B,ricl£, Stone and Woodēn !Buildiugs. Estimates givf;n "" anA' io'hhine' proraptly attendea to. Bell Tel. No 2.K O. Box. N0.423. lm W. W. WRIGHT & SON, mmi CARRIACE MAKERS AS»tßl>ACKsnnfl«. A5l crdcrB for wheel vel)lcles «f every dt;i4criptioi lillcd with«rou»i>tue6B. First-cl»*s mtehaniea are employed. FINE CAI'.R!AGE WORK A SPECIAI.TY. 'iram C»rii, o'ninll>u*ses ) AVA£OII», Muie antl Ox Carti •■ • V Made to Order, Alteied or Repaired, Carriage Painting, Trimming, Etc Stgtied, W. W. WHItSHT & SON r««s. & 81 .STkj;:;T. BKLT. TELEPHONE, No. 581. feb7-dtf ' ; ORS. BROOIE & FOOTE. MANAWA HANA: —Hora 10 f 11:30 a.in., 3 a 5:30 p. trv., 7 a 8 p.ni SABATI:—Hora 9a 11 a.m., C:3( a?:3op.ii). WAHI NOHO—H«slu 81 alanui B< rit»UH. ,Na Telopoae—MatuHl 234; Beli 232. augls