Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 April 1891 — A HAWAIIAM BARK WRECKED. [ARTICLE]

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Tl»e Allela Git* 4«hore ofr\pla—Gcucra! Sftm««n Kewa. Apia, (Samoa), Fet>. 20. — The Hawaiian bark Alieia put in liere about three weeks ago" looking badly. Slie was Ibouiid from Nēwcastle to San Francisco with eoal, eneountered bad wealther and eomtndnced to leak. At the request of !ier crew ilj6 captain eame to Samoa. In wiiter sne made e%ht inokas of per hour. A aurvey wus held aud she was cond»mned after 600. tons of her cargo was landed to allow surveyors to exaxnin« hei thoroughly.

Two days after she was condemned she went ashore through the parting of her. anch.or phain in the heavy Bea aad wind that prevailed here ovei a week. She , was sold at auelion foi $2400 in gold.

The United States, man-of-war Iroquois has gone toTahiti, on her way to Honoiulu. There is at present no man-of-war of any nationality at the islands.

Tīie Auienean Liand Commissionei' has not yet arrived, and is anxiously looked for. Bozett Haggard, the £uglish, and Mr. Eggert. the German Coiuaaiasioner, are both hei-e, but of course they ca»do nothing toward ltakiug up the question ofTand fcitlos. The Chi«f Juaticehasstartedthc »unicipality going, ,and six eonneillora have beeu <slected, but they are alao prevented from sitting as the President not yet arrived.

The Apia municipality bids fair t-o become the most reniārkable body in the world. being coinposed ofan even numbs>i; of mombers, and in tbe absende of the President when it eomea toa tiethey put the votes in a hat and araw one. out, whieh slip they.tear up. The remaining five slips are then īexamined, froni whieh it is as«ertained whether. a ( 'yQa" or "no" vote was cast.

Altliough the Chief Justice has declared them a legally constituted body there ean be no doubt tbat aecording to the treaty they are incomplete as sucli uniil the President arrives, and tlie Consuls will not turn the funds over to theni.

The sunken United States frigate Trenton broke in two amidships during the h©avy w*atlier recently owing to the ■ fact that both decks had been taktm out, weakening her. *Work on Trenton has beon temporarily stopped, _as the donkey enfine had to be r«nioved froni the renton to the Sea Waif. As soon as the weathsr is settled the latter ▼essel will heave along-side and work to bo continued.