Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 April 1891 — THE HAWAIIAN FLAG. [ARTICLE]

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Anierican Shipowners Will Use li Tlie nou-pa»sage of a shipping subsidy bi 1 1 oy Congress wa.-s a bitier disappointment to owners of sailing vessel» at this port. Quite a number of prominent gentlemen interested in shipping were prep«red to iavest large sums in building steel and iron ship» had the bill become a law, and San Francisco wouhl liave been a fauiiliar nanie upon the stern of several clippers, if their expectations had been r#alized.

| A project to form a corpor»tion in jthis city to be known as «ie California Sliipping Company was one of the aims in shipping circles. It was int6nded to have a number of vessels built atEastern and California shipyards for foreign trade, and th«se vessels were to flv the Stars *nd Stripes, with the bear as a distinctive mark of California ownership. Butasno encoui*agement was ofTered by Congress, the projectors of tlie company. not being desirous of abandoning their mercantile and finaucial interests, have decided upon buildin as a commenceineut. four steel vessels, to hail from Honolulu and to liave tbo Hawaiian flag fioatiug ut their peaks. One und aH of the persons lnteresk!d in the veu-taT-e are born Ame'ricans, and while they feel that hoitsting a foreigu flug oyer vessels that they own is a very sore und humiliuting feature, they are compelled to act in this wise by the restrictive navigation laws of the United States. S. F. Ckixmide.