Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 April 1891 — THE HAWAIIAN MINISTER. [ARTICLE]
He Bay» Tliat So \ew Trca«y Wllh Thl» Conntrjr (Imm Be«u Drafted. Wūsli ; ngton, Mar. 30.—Mini«ter Carter of Hawaii ēxpeets to leave Wasljineton on Th«rsday for New York. whenee he will go West, ftnd lLiiriDg the summer will visit Honolulu. īhe Minister ealleel 011 Secrotarr Blaine to pay l)is respeets and {« Buy good-by. T6-night Carter said that in eommunie.'iiioua to Ms
Goveminent he h<id called its attentibn to what the United Statēs is doing with the South Ameriean Ilepulilics 011 the subject of more xntimatē trade reljttions aiul had recommended fuller reciproeity between the United Stāteg and Hawaii. His suggestions, lie said, have, so far as he kuows, been looked upon favorably. l?o positive aetion s liowever, hns been taKen with respeet to the recommendations. He will probably diacuss the subjeot witli the Government officials wlien he reaches hoine this sun»niēr. Minister Carter says theoldtr&atybetween the XJnited States and Hawaii has four or five yeaa'S to lun, and no new treaty has been drafted or negotiated. '