Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 ʻApelila 1891 — MEMBERS OF THE HUI KALAIAINA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We publish in this issue of the Elele, the oviginal pl»tf irm and principles of the natīvo or{j"ufzatioii of th eH «i Kal aiaki a. We 1•> e bee n retjuested by a large ijumfc< v of our renders to re-pub)ish tliis d; clarfttion of prniciples, u« niany new members ot the organization are not a< ]uainted \vith it.s eonteats. We pu ; iish this also for the purpose of show'ing native Hawaiians how shan)ef illy their priii«iples and the iuembei- of the Hui Kalaiaina wero treat :d by t]>e last Legislature. Ēvery īsember of the Naticnal Party waa eleeted by tlie votes c j?tby the Hui Kalaiaina. But iu no instanee lmd the newly elected meribers ever tried t<> carry out tho pr īeiplenOf the Hawaiian organizution Tt is certainly no-reason, becaus? the Hui Kaluiaina principles were i<; iored by the last Legislature, that th 3y should be defeated in the uext. We are satisfied that the f>rincipies and platform of the Hui Kalaiaina, whatever they may l>e dechued to be after thē holding of a national eonvention in whieh :ul the it;lands are to be represeuted. %vill receivie> tbe hearty support of Iho nativ; pēople. This conveution wil! jirobab'y be held between July and Ko\ «iuber of this year. We are not now pi opared to say what the pfatform of tlie Hui Kalajaina is to be as a whole. Bot we elai«i'tff know, tLvat oee of their platfo«ii-planks will be tho eleeiion of governmeut officials by th 3 people.

Thera is no question of rlovibt abouf the unsatisfactory conditi< 11 of our present system of govemnatnt. Liborul men of all īiaiionalUie;*, aa well as natiye ; Hawaiians, are tlissatisfie(! with it, and want a change. And ohe of the piineiple ehanges, tliey want is to hav« the election aml se!ection of government ofßcials in the hands of the people. The coming convention of the Hui Kalaiaina ivill sound the kty iioU, as to what cbnnges the Hawaiian people want to bottor th«ii political system and conditic>n.

The positio» this convention will liold in tlie hearts bf the people, is a vitall3* important «ne t« th'i yet unborn, and its members shonld be eomposed of intelligent, honest ( and independent men of botli foreign and Hawaiian birth.

There are speculations as to the futur«j. Peoplo are talking of new and independent parties, ote., etc. Ko doxibt, disappoint«d politicians and political speculators by profession, are at the bottom of all theso new movements, and will rope into their webs the poor unforturute lambs and sheep to build up tbeir own political »spirations, aft+»r wliieh they will feed them out to the eoM charity of the world as they have done in the pABt.

We do not elalm that oiir advioe should bo followed, as to wliat partj or clique anv iuan shovild tie up to. T>ut we do elaim to to the meui bers of the Hui Kalaiuma, *.h:it they ar« th© true tmd honest frienjs of for«ignorsi and Hawaiiam? alike, and that 4he principle of govein;nent th«»y are trviug to iu&«gurat« ib far in ;idvaae« of a»y patty in tliis Kiugdom.

The Hui Kala iaina w«s» never organieed by a spoil l anting, politic?at, graM)iu-_ -].ecnl:itoßi, neither was it ī by men who were r«ady to od to eonti\!>l tbe Ānaneial pos;t| ( _ n> <-f \liU govornixn?iiL Hui ou co»iraiy vras ovgani?AHl un l v,orked intv>lil#iiudesistcno<' l bva few honest

patriotic and indej,endent Hawaiians who never Leld aay position uiu]er tlioj <sov«rnment Can »ny othor of the pet organiza-j tions say as niueh for themselves. Tht< leaders of most of oar politieal orga-l iua»tion& in the last few years have j been men who cared more for theirj pockets and person<al inier©sts, than i they ever did for tho poliiieal advanJagefiientof the H;twaiiaft-|>etjplō, and any measnre wliieh would tend to benefit the Hawaiian people politi- \ «&.Uy t<v-<ia.y ; it it io. a.B.y vr&</ | yfiih thi» $«iiiv eai trickstej-s, wouliī be hooted and eried do<;'n by the Hessian eontrolle<T press of ihia Kingdom. The Hui Kalaiainai has a cleaji recorl. Its members are not the rag and bob tail of politienl shai i ps t bnt ai-e the true, hoiiost, hard worlcing bone aiul sinovr of Hawaii nei. Wc advise tho men\bers of the Hui Kalaiaina to work togother. and get into their mnks eveiy honest Hawaiian and foreigner who believe in their principles, and as sure as day dawiis their snecess in the interest of the wholo people, wil'l be crowned by a glorious stjeeess at the next election.