Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 April 1891 — SIGNING THE PLEDGE. [ARTICLE]

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latere»ting S«rvlce» Ju Snrri B.e«rt ' n»nrch. • ArchbisLop Eior<lau w 11l adia.iai3ter tlie Bacrament o! coufirmation to a large class o! !>oys in Sacrcil Seart Church iiext Sunday afte:'iiooii at 4. o'eloek. Iu eonneelion witli tlie services an itnportant and interestiug corerooney will take pL;t-o. The boys who receive the sacraiucnt will also take the total al>stinenco pledge, whieh they will promise to keep until they are 21 years of ag* • The Archbish«p, !romlong obsarYation, is especially regartling the eyil influ©nce of mtemperttfifce ana desires to destroy any tenceuoy, towarcl it before its misery and degradation have b®en infiicted. By arming the boys agamst it he secpre their later yeays froui auy. ehanee of its Ī6lighl Hewillpro- 1 baHy deliver an addresB upou the subject when the pledge is ,given.