Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 April 1891 — JOINED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. [ARTICLE]

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Georgre Panon* I.athrop uud Hia V»'lfe BMam« RoU|&Rl«t«. Boston, M«,r. 26,—Tb.e PUoi a»-. nounces that Georgj& Parsons Lathrop, th« anthor, and hi3 wife. who ia i daughter of Naihaniel Hawthorne, bave become Catholics. They were received into the Catholic Chnreh on Marehl9th by Eev. Alfred Yoang of fche Paulist Fathers, whose church is in West Eifty-ninta street, New York, and were eonfirnjed b}' Archbishop Gorrigan on Mareh 21at. s . ■ In a letter to James Jeflxy Boche, editorof the Piloi, Mr. Lathrop says fchat no one ever suggest«d his becoming a Catholic or tried feo persuade him, although a number of his friends were Catholics. What makes the f!onrftyßinn of Lathrop and his wife remarkable is . that he is the son of one of the oarlv Protestant missionaries to the Sa»(īwieh islands, while Mrs. liathrop. jwho was. Hawthorne's youngest i daughter, was bred amid the Puman j influences of New England.