Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 35, 11 ʻApelila 1891 — JACK BURKE WHIPPED BY PRITCHARD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


London, Mar. 12. —Three h\indred! peopl® jammpecl themselves into tlio! Albany Club iu Hollo\ray road tonight to witness a glove figh"t betweeu: Jack Burke and Ted Pritcinrd. Tho| match created great exciteraent. Near- • ly every prominent- sportsman was| : present.' Upon entering the riugf rrifcchard bet Burke £100. T\vu-, ounee gloves were xised r and it was? discoTered that some one had sj>litj Pritchard's glove. An ob]eetion avus raised and Burte was allowed to cut | his glove. Both niou \vore tlieir b>ft-! hatvd glove cut across iho knuekle*. Theviiad not been fighti»£ Kmg before the hair eaui® out of Uie giovfei and an a{>peal wss m ulo to the refeto sfcop the light, but it was uaheeded In the first round Baike showed his oldrtime f«nu.. aiui for the two uiinut<ki l,ad the advautagw, s*n,diug l'U leit iuto rritci=ai\Vī £aoe \vith great foico. Oua uf his AusU oaugUt riUci.ui\i ia th.e «ye, al most filtiug it up. l'iien Pritchiud; scorod fast, aud iu the last miuute i had all tUe best o£ the %ht. The &cvond īouuu \ ory fiue, Prikhāi\l foicnii tUe %Utiug* His left weut *U xU« iaoe and bo4y „ Buike dovv u suveral nmos, His leKs> aoAiueu tv> vv*\ uuder Ui*ii aiia Ue uuuie attlc Tlm> ca!l of iime saved Burke. as he oUioiwU*» wouid Ua\e loj»t iu the' a#vOud iound, PmeU.-ml jilipped iu, Uii?» rouud. . | XUe tUird i\juiid \vas ali iu Ca\oi of j PlileUaiu. He punislied Burke izi, tUe stouiacU two or thr*K> Uiae^,« bnti§iug UU Ueau foi \\ai d, aud ihen \ sendmg iti U*U-utai biows. Aleft-; joli an th«» jaw kuoeked! aurke «lawu. Ke uot kuoeked l -><t» V U V eoukl n<.;t uaoe. wl iuuil. T]ks« e.f U*v t\gl»Y ame aud sovei m 1 )i iia iekuvwd oiud e Uatlev W h ite vuv* tuiiekvH?pei. Tlie iieeaud« foi Pm i

c harrl wero Dick Roberts aud Dan MeOannon; for Burko, Jim Cawi«y iine! Jack Haj)per. The ring was iwenty feet square. PriteU&rd w:ill Uftte for • 'Amenea :if assurfld o£ a iigbt witli nny one. ; He ip undoubtedlv the best man here.