Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 30, 7 Malaki 1891 — WORK OF CONORESS. The Hawaiian Cable Again Discussed. [ARTICLE]
The Hawaiian Cable Again Discussed.
Waahington, February 17.—The quostion of the Hawaiian cable th«n eame up again. Carlisle argued thāt th« amendm®nt had no proper plaea in the Diplomatfo Kill. By pīacing sugar on ~lhe free list nnder the Tarift' bill the aot of iB7B admitting 9Ugar and rice from Hawaii £ree of dufy, ao u to carry out tho treaty, had beenj»peal«4 by GongreBß wiihooi noiiae 4o the HawaiianKiovernm#nt. Aili&on said thai when he agreed to the conference reporthe understood hom a. §purce whieh had fully es*iuined t3i» v question that the of the alauae origiaally in the bill, ihat it should not repealj existing ireutiea, did not affect the | Hawaiian ireaty at all. j Morgan eriticised Carlisle's opposition, imputing itto an \jnwillingness to intmst Presideni Harrison with ihe expenditure of * quarter of a million doUar» a y«ar. He denied ihai the possession of a coa!ing and rapair aiaiion at the harbor of Pearl river in ihe Hawaiian Islands gave the United Btates the right to land a tel®graph cable, as asserted by Carliāle. The only opportunity to land a cable ther« was a concession madd by th e King of Hawaii to Aiae- , rican eiiiaea, Mr. H*riw«ll. That pariy »ight, if ihe Uniied Siates did not make use of the opportunity ,make | »n »rrangement with the Cauadian , Oovernment to hav<!i.tlie JUt4tiricaa eiid of ihe <iable landed on ih# qi t Canada, Morgan believad ihat an 1 active movement on the part of the | Ur»ite<l States Government to define its policy in relatiou toHawaii would i save the t*nited States a greai deal of trouble in the future. Ho did not ■ know a more significant way of ex pressing the intention of the United t States than bv malcing actual eom- . munication with thos>e islands nwre eompleie and more direct. 1 Carlisle disavowod aud refiections upon khe Fresident. George dec!ai*ed liimself oppos«il to tlia atneudraeud as aaotaer iu ihe fatal policy of subsidizing privat o indiTiduais. Daniel also declartKl lusantagouisn. io theameadmeut ou thesami> grouiul If ihe oable was to be a pjirt of iīn u*tianai defence it \vas imj>roper that lt ahoukl be owned by priyate individuals, but the whole sohome uow w,ss a spftouiation on tho pavt of entorprising ooeu who wauied to m:\ke moae\ oui of ihe Uuiied Siat*?sGovermuoat. j