Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 30, 7 March 1891 — PRIVY COUNCIL. [ARTICLE]
Bamor bas it tīiat tlie Privy Couneil is to be ro-organized, this we believe has not been done fcefore on a change of reign, b\tt wh see no; reason why it shonld not bo, in fact we think it shoul<l, nrui we believe the Council shoukl not be erlarged a fair repreKentation of Foreigners and Hawaiian» is all th»t is required and only those who eao *erve, it is often the easo ivitu »o large ;i number, with Absent from the eounhy, requiring s« many" to make a quorum tfcat it has eaused some inconvenience i i getting them together, when busine»s required their attendance.