Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — UNCLE SAM NOT INVITED. [ARTICLE]
Why #ur £xbif>lt !■ tbc Sinair?>t In tiif> £īpoaltlon t( liimai».
N©v? York, Febru(iry 9tli. —A newspaper Trom Jīaiimit?R giveg tha iirst account roceircd of tLe opening of tlie expositiou, tlie ealile hayiiig U.een brokeh. Th« fair wae oj«)ne<l by Prirt<:« George cf Wales. The paper coutains extended descriptions of some of tLe more interesting: exliibits. Noarly all tlie Emopean, as well as most Ameiiean govornments, have exhibits, but. of t'ne Aniei'iean exhibits. that of the Uuited! States i» the smullest. This is explained as duē to thē fact that a simple notic« of the prōposed eshibition was sent to this GoA r eriimertfc, and no inVitation to particip«ite. Bdiigor, Me., Febrnaiy 7th.—Es - .Chief <Tnst.iee John Applēto*n died to-day, aged eighty-seven years.