Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — THE PRESENT SITUATION. [ARTICLE]
At the time of our hist issue, there rieemed to be an uneasinēss in the minds of the puhlie generally in re-i ga,id i"o"cbaiigt« In tlre 'governm.ontj whieh is happily endecl by the deci-j sio» of the Supi-euie Court ; , v.-bich j <clearly defiaes tlio status of ihe Min-| istrv on the question whieh fhe pnb-l lie were divided np»n. As to thej personal pf the laie Ministry.-we havej said they •«•eie tho select:> i of Hisi late Ma.jesty iuid thev the endors6ineiit 6f the country, and for thttt and other i-easons we favored their retention in office, and for the furt.her fact that we believed the% had performed their duties to the! Batisfaction of the pnb!ic generally. We had good reasons for beli«ving that a change of Ministry witliout w _good and .sufficiGnfc cause 7 wonld in some d£gree unsettlo the public mind and create a feeling of nn«asinoss both at home and abroad. Thē late Ministrv we may Bay ? havē been in offiee only a few months since the adjpurnment of the Legislature, and were begining to carry out the general work and improvemenia under the appropriatiōns made, new men however well qualified they niay be to perform their d :ties, reqnire time and consideration to ena--1)1§ them to intelligently carry forw»rd their work. īt is fortur;ite however, that the head of thc worlnng department has been re-appointbd. and th« work in tliat department will go on witliout any.delay. . ' lt was rumored around for, some tirae back, that would 130 selectecl for Ministerial positions who "!iad neitber the abilify or conf dence of the public to' fill the places. We did not however share in any sivdi viefrs. we had too mueh confidenc« in Her Majesty' s good sense and conserva: tive ideas to believe that the inter«sts of the country would be jeopardized by, aoy such appointm 3nts, and we are happy to say that rnmor wa.s not correct. Tbe gentlemen ?ho liave received Her Majestv's coiripiissions ave well and favorable known to the country, most of them are not new to the public service, and tlie affairs of tlie conntry may ibe safely left in t T eir hands.