Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 Pepeluali 1891 — BERNHARDT IN "LA TOSCA." [ARTICLE]
j Seap«iiraßce ot lfa« Etceutric Aclx«M •* I Amerlcan Stagc.
New Yoik." FeLru&ry Tribune's dramatic article sayā," fn part: • u īn the" Garden Tlieatre -last iiighi, aā fehe lieroine of "La. Tosca," tlie eccentric Sarali Bemliardt.made • liee. .re-outran'ce upon tbe stage of tliis eapiial. SLe gave a. perfoi3nai)qp remarkable fo? the ; dexterity an4 %- iah pf its mechaiiism and for tlie ample revelation of those personal ' peculiarities that have inspired and long r'etained the deTotion of her adI miiers. ' Her supple figure, nervriiaa T force incessant, yet iepoatfiil and beaTitifully moulded/action, her nn- ; erring fitness of expressive gestura, weaHh of cSpricious wiles, ineK>dy. ol voiee, Vehement loquacity and abnnd- 3 ant rpftoarces of craft and of fury in moments of sudden theatrieal tranai- ' ( tion-all these equipments and felicities of her exceptional personality and her art remain unimpaired entirely at liee command, Sarah Bernhardt is an accomplished artĪßt, but she has never reached .sjnd nayer ivill reacli th£ beight occupjed_on the .. American stage by Cliarlotte Cush- * man and on tlie English by" Ellen ' Terrv." ' *