Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — BORNE TO THE GRAVE. [ARTICLE]

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Tli« Lttt Hou«r» t« th« Dcad Stcretarjr of tl*e Trea»upy,

Washington, Febraarv 2d.—The National Capital was truly a city of mourning to-dav. The Exeeutive Departmenfes and tfee ir far ion r an eliers were closed all dr\y and Congress did noi asset&t)le nntil 2 o'elook in the afternoon. The flags oii all the public buildings were diSplayed atlialfmast, also those of manv privkte residences, the hotels and busmess establishthrpiiglit>ut the qity, and ihe large eolunttis of tho lour fronts of fhdT re;rsury Departm.«»nt.were LeaviljT draped in Maek, ~ Tliese lionors \vere paid to tbe inemory of the late Secretary Wind.om, whose remains were eominitted to tlieir last resting-place to-day. The Navy Department and the Dopaitment df Justi6e were also draped in mourning in honor o£ the e5.-Sccre-tary, llistoriau Bancroft and c\-At-toruey Oeneial Dcvens. The t r r&Y«j is on tae side ofagently slopiug hill, a little to tho weat H,nd noiUi of ihe oeuin* v>f ihe &rounds, and just at the fooi of a towering •oak, Tke services at iiie gi"avs \vgr« iuipi'OSj*ive. Foilowing tUe cas.ket, Uad Weu c;irrioi{ to tUe side of the ojh?u grave, eamo the iueuil)crs of tho OHbinet, two bv !tuo ( aud after tUeox, Mrs \Yindom» leaning lieavily on the arm of her sou. Th®a eame U|tMf *wo d«®ghters, and following ihem other reiatious aud friends, Mrs. MeKee. on tlie arm uf the Pw suient, Frivate Seehvtar\ Ualfoixl ftnd other wei«bers of the Pivsntetit"s oftioia! honsehold w*>re> asuoug those who oawe after When all had ivach<n!l the side of the gtave P;-. Hāmliu iN>ad a short chaptev fnnn iuo Biblō »iid invoktMl ihe Dī> lr.o l»lessitig up ou the stricken fam:l\ Ho īhankea Ood for the good o\A>uplc v,!i;oh the dead Seeretary h.id <ct for :\c »vi,d, and prayed that tl:c pc.»co uhul. passvth all \mdi v ' and a Uuwo wUo tnourßed h\s After the casket lcwo«d U»v

recping mother an3 cLildren $teppied to the side of tbe grave, jfQot jjjhēir lāf?t lonk upon tlie castet and tlien turned away. !Ebej)rocession "and_. T6iurned to the citv. '