Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 Pepeluali 1891 — CLEVELAND AND HILL. [ARTICLE]
Tlt« ©•mocr«tie T.e«der« Tl»it at B Wiin-1 . hatUnrinbDlniier. i
New Yort, Jau. 31st.—The longpostponēd meeting of Grover Cleveland David B. Hill took plaee tonigUt. Th® meSting was at a dinner giTen bV State Senator TV T illiam L. clinner given in" the famous library of the Stewart trlffhsion, where tlie club's [h-ome now is. Colonel Brown decidfed to" have a dinner that would bring thesē Democratic lēadfers together sonie months ago. The' arritngemontB of it are represented as ■ elaborate. The oval table of the library ~ will aeeommodate thirtv-two persons, and plates were laid for that number. Colonel Bi'own presided] Govern6r Hill sat at the Colonel's rigbt hand, and Licutcnant'-Govcrnor Jones occupied the plaee iat his left. A The position of ex-President Cleveland wās at tbo" opposite ond of the tabre, facing the • host.
. This was the first meeting o! Cleveland. and Hill eiiieo fhe Centennial banfjuet at the Metropolitan twoyears ago. Tbe guests were all seated when Hill arrived, He bowed tō Senator Brown, then, looking directly at C4eveland, smiled and bowed to that gentleman, who retumed the salutē ttnd then, with a bow to the rest present, the Governor sat down, as did t«he oth«rs. Dinner and gerieral 'eonversatioti were Vesumed.