Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — TRACY SHARPLY CRITICISED. [ARTICLE]
Idic nnd >o Ui\rib)y >«*r By to Send' i» ChlH.
Chieago, Februjm otli A'Winh' ington «poeial says: Tho m«mt beingpt*oity sl!;uply orit:o;s«il both in »nd o«t of Cougre«s foi xW pretiont di«positu»n ol' tho 'twvRĪ4i ix"t. in oonvmission. A mkMoii u y arises in Ohili, niul yet \re voBBel vrithiu 4000 niile$ of ,ihos«| water, but w© havo two Kqa;iclrx>us, «»cU uintar ā Bear-AdmirAl, d;uvdlin|* ul>out ou the southora coi»si uuil iq ihe Wt?st *rho\\> th<'ro ii iivf nofs! < f (imr ptv.-*tv «\ Nv w conwJ au onki' s*ndit.g t!io Bnltiju rt f:oiJ tho ModttMrrsno:tn uw;vy hīnhiu I tf e'lnli. « <lifetAnvo of 70tto ae«; iuu>tlu r onler fv r ilu? Ch.irh'sN>u w go from Hoiu>)uhi. a o» ow*j «000 mile*. Mc»utano lve«t Walker s u-tol!>s,s 8vj«.id;vu of Evoiui1 tion is in pleA.*wnt >\ >utor qu«rtcra m tho Gulf of Mokwo Htivl got;ui|j U» iiiu iul ilio Mutdi Cuss (esUf :tics| a( Ke*v Orleaufc, ;