Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — ELECTIONS IN UTAH. A DIVISION IN THE MORMON CAMP. A Fierce Diatribe Against a Candidate. An Independent Pary at Ogden Elects the Mayor and Four Counellman. [ARTICLE]

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A Fierce Diatribe Against a Candidate.

An Independent Pary at Ogden Elects the Mayor and Four Counellman.

Payson, Utali, Februiiry 9—To-day culminatod tlie fierccst. poIitical bftttle ever fouglit iu .this city, and Rtrange to say, tlie ehiel cont»atAnta wifcrd Mormons. Itls doubtful if ever i.n the liiBtory of Tjtah po!itics th«re has ever beea a atrugglo eharacterized with aueh bitterne3 and acrimcuiy. A week agō to-day the Poople'e party (Mormou) met in caucus to nouiinate a 4ieket for munieipal authorities. In the eauouH J. S. Pjage, a straight church maii, was put up for the Mayoralty. The meniion of his n&me was the signal for an onslaught from Jasper McClemmon Ihe outgoing JtJa.yor who made a bitter attack 011 Pnge, āoeusing him of theft, falsehood, treachevy and Tarions other things not exj>ected in aii el'der in IsraeL Page made a apeeeh in self-defonse McClemnion answefing. Tlie two gentlēman occupied" the floor of the hall wh«re the eaueue met, McClommōn standing in frotii of Pftg6, -who was obIiged to ackiiowIedge the aecusation brought against him. McOlemmon %vould nowand agaiu exkibit a docunjont whieh conYicteid Page of some robbery.. !3M[cCleujiuon made his poiuts with unconscious dra.matie effect, the result being tbat Page was downed, and anoth#r. Mormon, Hy Lcmons, was nominated. To-day at the polls. liemons whk elected by an ov©rwhelMi^gmajority, his votes boing 212 Vgain»t Page's 3 and JSimon"s (OeiīHIe) 66. This elēetion has demonstrnte'd that in Pay»on the cliurch "power in potitics isbroken and tliat hencoforth tlie people propose to manage their polilieal affairs to suit themselves, The vote ,cast for the Liberals was. the , largGst ever polled. v The "Weekly Bulletin-' l*toly published by that company is an eieell- l ent epeeimen of a newsp.uper ,whichj should reoeive a lfti-go.Jforeign,,As well as an lsland circulation. Th#inks fo?j copi»s received. . . .. i