Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 Pepeluali 1891 — THE BOX UNLOCKED. A THIEF MAKES A REMUNERATIVE RAID. The [Illegible] Ticket Office at Maryavilie Opened and Robbed. [ARTICLE]
The [Illegible] Ticket Office at Maryavilie Opened and Robbed.
Mar3"sville, February 9. —Betwe»ii 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m, j »sterday tHe railtoad ticket was out«red and ?350 taken. The tbief unloc|:ed tne outside and inside oiEee doors aml turued tlie combination on the safe. rhe burglar box had notbeen locked. Tli« thief opened it and took about 1350, leaving a $260 cbeck, $20 wrapped in paper, and some small eoin:;. There \rere no markso! violenoe, and th« worb was evvd«i>tly df>ue bj » man fa7niliar with the surroundingi». Agent 13aird l«ft the offic« sU 10:30 and did not return till 4 o'eloek. He found the saf« door opeu and the uioney gone, but ®vervthing els« iu good or<ier. All the oth«r euiplovs went to Woodland on an excur»ion. Baird says it is his persomil loss # as he should liave locked tLe burglar box. Mueh mystery surroun<Sl the case, and lie and the poliee have uo ideu who the culprit ia. Baird has been &gent hero for twenty years,and during that time the safe ha« bceu tapped thr«e times, but utisucceasful lv. About one year ago tho oIV <? was entered and a fine revolvor takcn, but nothing oīne \vag distuvbed. Marvsville has been «v«iruu vrlili swiu<llers, burglar» and niurdeio?* since the opeuiugof the rcc<»nt cit.riis. f«ir. Ne»rly eill the v<nk is done bv tmveiliiig men. Onlv two captvircs ltßVi> beeu mado ono for bu;giui v Aud Ono for robbery» The oulpiīU wero seut to the JSuite Pmon for &ii ye*rs eaeh.