Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 Pepeluali 1891 — PATTI INDIGNANT. Her Troubles in Berlin with Manager Zette. He Tried to Frighten Her into Paying 9- 000 Marks after Hreaking his Contruct. [ARTICLE]
Her Troubles in Berlin with Manager Zette.
He Tried to Frighten Her into Paying 9000 Marks after Hreaking his Contruct.
•Paris, Eeb. 9.—ld!me. Paili was interviewed afc the Hotel Bristol today with reference to ber arrest iu Berlin for al)eged breach of contract. She said that the well-known impresario Zette met her in London aome tirae ago and {engaged her for a Berieaofconcerts in St. Petorsburg. As Zette faited to pay a deposit to her manager, ānd as he liired a amall and unimportant theater instead of the leading theater, as he had promised, she eonsidered the engagement broken. . She eonsulted h«r Bolicitor, Geo. Lewis, and. he advised her that she was under n* legai obligations and the contract was nullified. ■ On the evening of her fulfilling her Berlin engagement Zette eame to Berlin [ iroui St. to try to seize | her eostu.mee and (}«wel& and to pxe vent her singing. - Zette was unable to procure in time the 1000 marks whieh ifc was necessary to pay into- conrt as a precaution before obtaining an order to di»train her e2ects. The concert was therefore not 'tinterfered with. On the following morning, how*ver, a writ was served on her, and six men were posted outside her hotel to execute il Mme. Patfci was unable to pay the 8400 marks demanded, h avmg on ih e preTio as evening dep6sited the proceeds of the eoncert with the Bothschild3. .Her Berlin agent, Mr. Wolff, eame to her rescue, however, and paid the amount I demanded. ' ~ I Patti is intensely~Tn3īgnant over her She is convinced that Zette'» object was to frighten her into paying on the spot his whole elaim of 9000 maika. She lii*s decided to Zette. for distraint. .