Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — IRISH AFFAIRS. An Important Meeting of Parnellites. Assertion That a Satisfactory Agreement Mas Been Reached. [ARTICLE]
An Important Meeting of Parnellites.
Assertion That a Satisfactory Agreement Mas Been Reached.
LondGn, Feb. 9. •—An urgent summons has bēeji'dispatclied to all the anti-Parnellite mem1bers wto are away from London requesting their attendance at a meeting on TLursday, when McCartliy willmakeast*tem«nt respecting recent, n#gotiations. The customary reticence is maintained among tho loaders of bpth s*ctions of the party, the rank and fi!o l>eing Btill lcept in ignoranc« of th® precise state of affairs, but the yeport is freely circulated in of the House of Commona to-night thut a settlemont has been arrived »5.1, and that Pamell has consented to relinquish his claims to the leadorship in favor of Dillon. It was added that during the imprisonment of Dillon, McCarthy, t as vfce-chairman of the party, woul<l continue to perform hispreseut dutios. With referonco to the belief entertained in Parnellite circles la8t week that if a -modus. vivendi w©re noi found it vrould be th© fuult of IIea3y "Ufid ' his friends." Sexton states ihai throughout the negotxations the member from North Longforil has done ev«rything in his powor to promotc an amioabl@ krran"gēiaent. In a letter to the chairman of ihe Irish leftdership committee of Dublin Pamell says: "I regret to inform yoa thatthe prospects of asettlement -are-les8 promising than last week. I shall continue, however, to do everything in my power to reunite Ireland while safegu»irdiug naiional interests."