Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — THE IRISH AGITATION. [ARTICLE]

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F*roeU Addr«Me« k BI« Meellae «t W«<eK*rj. "Waterford, Jan. 25.—Pamell today addressed here the largest meeting held during the'prMent campaign. He said that Hartlepool had declareJ entirely for himin the recent electiou, and it det>ended upon Irishmen themsalveB wnat kind of home rule they obtained. He addmitted that he was too amiahle with Gladstone at Hawarden, but promised that he would net repeat tnat mistake. He had never known anything to be got out of negotiations with Gladstone, and was glad that they had heen luoken off. A body of McCarthyites held a counter demonsirotion at Slullmavat, Ārt>hbwhop Crok« his Bnl">sc'ripuou to the fund iov the famlv of a Frotestant reetor u-itli a ,seatlnng lettei r*?proaehing Pamoll for doubting Catholic treatment of Frok'fttants after lumself recaiviug a' t>e»timonial of $200,000 from them.