Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — NOTES OF THE CONFLICT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Indlcatloaß of «n Aereemcnt Anioue |rl»b L«*4et», London, Jan. 24.—McCarthy, who refcurned from tlio Boulo«gno con!ereneo to-day, said eveiything' wa« lmrmoniouā, and he liad great hopea of « ispeedy and amieahle sēttlem6iit, The Marqviis o{ Hartitigton, in repiy to inqairies concerning the eontradicti»n between the views of Joseph LordDerby and other XJnionistg, who declare homo rnle iis dead, writ.es to-day: "The contrad'.ction is mo?e āpparent than īeal. Home rule mav be dead as a practical policy, aad as far as it ever posseeses any ehanee of the country accepting it i» a dofiaite foi'm, but political nēcesslty to specially retaih the )vish Nationalists' »apport may eompel Glftdstone's followers !or a long timetoinclude it in their pollcy.'' Lord Derby Imtes: "My epeeeh was intended to warn the Unionistti against being unduly sanguiae."

Dublin, January 24.—Archbiahop Walsh has written a letter to th c Fruman'B. Joiirnal ii» reply tostatements roade bv that paper in eonneetion with the Archbishop. The Archbishop says it is not a <|nostion whether English or Irish opinion is to deeide the leadership, but the question is as to whether Pamell is mor?illy fit to lead the Catholics. To this the Jovmal retorts by remarking that Pamell'a business with Ireland is on'y political. The a newspaper atart«d in this oity aa » riVal of Uniied Jreland, and upon th« supposition that Wiliiam o'Biien wōuld assume editorial control of its eolumn», has stopped publioation. . The Irish Cathoiic says the formation of a new national organization to replace the discreditect $atioual Letvgue is neaily concluded. Paris, January 24, —The SiecU announces that Wiliiam O Brien bas reoeired home rule guarantees on the part of Gladstone and colleagues sufficienfc to satisfy Pameil'a conditioiis upon whioh he consents to retire.