Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — IS HAMILTON ALIVE? [ARTICLE]
Th*t Kva*» tīli(ed BoiHjid 1« UTiBK.~Be 1* H>ld t» b«T« . C«rp«e of » ge••ubllß{ Illni Pla«?d ia the Btnr. New York, Jau. 26. —A apeeial dispatch reeeived here to-day from LewiBton, Idaho, says: A ranohmau named Sanford has just brought in the startling rumor tliat Kobert Kay HamiHoi: of New York city, who was reported to have been drowned in the Snake rirer while hunting last Jime, is sti!l a!ive and enjoying good heaith. . Hatnilton want-ed it to appear to the world, Sanford says, that he was dead. The corpse of a maa who.very mueh resembled £Lamilton was obtained aud placed on the rirer where it w.Afl fouad, and informatk»u was. gireii out that HauiiUon was dead. Laborers on" the Hamilton |raß.ch said that sev*eral people were 3ai the seeret that Hamillon was aiill lĪTmg and that he had gone either to Australia or Alaska under au assumed aame, llowever. there i$ no proof tliat llwaiHon is alive, and on the coutrar, 3chaylerHamilt-on Jr. goea to Englaod to-morrow fco getproofofhia broti.er'i death.