Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — PURELY BRITISH. Real Object of the Jamaica Exposition [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Real Object of the Jamaica Exposition

Vt l» to laancnrat ■ Gn«l*H Itnt*ta Be(wmb KoelMA'* Ameiieao Oolonlei,, London, Jan. 28. —The coming Jamaica exposition is to be made, if England ean make it, strictly a British affāir. Prince George of Wales is now on his open the exposition with great eclat 'and grand K>yolty. The alleg«dcbagrin in the T?nīted State« at the fa'ūiue ot the British to extend an un<jualified invitation -to Ameīioan exhibitorft exoite« «musement here, where the ihQtive of the exposition is well understood. Csuj.t\da, Jamaica and the remaind|;r ol Great lsritain's colonies in Korth, Central and South America , $re to ba united in one gr'and euetnni« union, buying from eaeh other [ aueh products as they vequire and giving the ,rest of the world the goby.:. ~ The eoloniea will be expected toj discriminate in favor of British manufftoturers as against non-British, but otiierwiße they will to all intents and purposes of a tariff character be a union unto themselves. The scheme takes ia Belize asd British Honduraa as well the Falkiand ilands: iu fact, everything British on the Ameīīean contlnent or geographically connected with it. The eonsent 'of the eoloniea is needed, and that is to be won through such events as the Jamaiea exposition. A vast display of American manufacturers on the oeeaaion would xnar the harmony -and not'tend to the consumnation of plan.