Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — THE CHILEAN REVOLT. Some of The Leading Causes That Pro duced it. [ARTICLE]
Some of The Leading Causes That Pro duced it.
A Sir!c» Ceaa*rablp Kept Ovcr all T«l«tr«m<S«nt Ont ofili« C»uptr}-, New York, January 24. —A letter Teceived here to-day by the Cit\ r of Para, and dated Panama, Januar} r 15, shows cohclusively the estent 6f Prēsident unpopularity. "Alarming Tvmotn," r saya the letter, "have been current % herb 3urihg *tlie past few daya. It i» said that the revolution begun on tb'o 7tb inst. at Valparalso has greatfcr prdportions than ifc was at first thought it could attain. " ' 1 """
"The 'poSitive' eailae o! fhe Veyolt ■ has not yēt* I>eei\ H well knowu tt>at tlfifī-eeeat eiectīōna Tiave not impi*esse3 the people o! Chile with. c6nficlenße''t'n of tlie eiisting This feeliiig, foltowing stflgndti6ii in bnsfneas, fhe overcrowded eondition o* Bantiago, l>ad markets aiid the lōss of credit abrcad due tp past diBtinbances f hā» put the republic of * bad way. The Cioferlim6nl has put a atrict censorship" over : all telegraphi<3 commun:icatious ( and in cns©S <5f cipher messages the code must be shown. Owing to these rēhtrictions no newa has got here.
"The future of the p:- esent Ohief Magistrate of Chile is diffioult to predict. His unpopulArity among his iellow couutrymen is due to hia violation oi the Constitution, aad hia per»ibtent oppositiori to the will of the people has led tt the pxesent revolt. PreviouB to ihis he wae rowiidW hissed and his "preBerice caused a riot in Ooneepeion/. .» . > "Upou arriving plaza, upon whieh the mnnieipal palaoe ie s!tuat[ed, the cavalry had tb charge into tLe crowd in order to clear a passageway for the oarriage. As sōou aa the Pa bsident. was seen by yje crowd a deafening hiejsing began, arjd was kept up until he entered the building. That even;-rig ~as he wae leaving for. banquejl|, held. at the theater, he had to order the eoaeh-! mao to hastftn in order:tomitdiatane~e! the crowd, who eurs©d -Aud dencJuoce j him in the mo«t ābusfve ierftts. A j few momentsbefore left | the baoquet the cavatry charged mob and infantry «coupied bothsides of the street. The berifches in' froat of th*e pa'lac<» were'aTl destroye<l. Al : tei several ohargee the werej dispersed.
[ '.i ■ • .-t •- • *•:* -V;» • : * j "It wus found that thirteen pfoplf | had been wound«d, one seriou«ly and l two or three killed._ Th« neTt d»y the rresident prooeenlad to earry into eilect the objeot of visit t<j, tluf eitv, whieh wa» to op<?n the drv d.ook, It was a signal for nnother betw«en tho troops au4 p<K>pl«, bai fortunatelv nobody was hutt. "At 12 hiiduight a large tiuujbor of the youuger organkedatt imr, proroptu »erenade of kettte» and"r>thef tinwaro iuKtrmoents, oo«ompanu\l by catcalU and shouts. ' d| "ĪpooiMi were cal!ed out ftnd*dUporB- - the sen«uaderr» Fourleea youug meu were wounded, some »ud *Ikuu wi<-' wuk' uumhei' of , men and soldiers. ,> , . Bueuos Ayro®, Jauuary 24. w$ j reached here fiviiv Valivarai«o thai m«urgeut« eontinue to gaitt strengtjLj and confidence. Worknjen employ4tj in the factories at Valparais«» aiv joig ing the in»nrgents, Large fomvv and s sympathy seen\ to be wiīh the rebe!s.' Begnlar \nihvrtd traft\c i* at a stuud»' stili and basinesis is , The j
GovernmeQt has doc)ftr«<i laig<? towu8 t .in a jtdt6 o! sieg«,' A conf©renc© betwe©n Pr&BicWiit' Balmaceda and the Ohilean Depnti©s| lias tak«u plaee. M»nj 7 people A be-. lieyed tho President would take advantage of the meetiug to tender hi» resignatioß, but he did not do eo, h()T?evor., and the conforence had no reßult.