Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 Pepeluali 1891 — NOT VERY CHEERFUL [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The ltfe of Youns Kiiit Ales>n4*r ōf Young £ing Alexsoder of Servia does not lead a evei,y cheerful es2steneo for a lad_ of 14. Ne ; arly all hig tlme is spent in liard Ktiidy, with military exercist> for reereation. He is going gyadual?Y thro«gh the traiuing for eaeh grade _of the army, and has only juat beea prouioted. to be eorpo eal. Every afternoon he drives in the park, and oarriage often passes that of Queen Natalie, but m»ther and son merely amile and drive on without exchai}ginga word. T/hen K.ing Milan aeooinpanied liis aon, and th«y met the Queen'a carriage, the es-huaband and wife turned ostēntatiously away froni eaeh otiier, and the poor voang ELing, anxiou» to offe.ud neitlier parent, started straight befoje liim with a most molaneholy espressio'n. Exckange.