Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 February 1891 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]

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!Editioii on *Second IPa^e.

Kiiglisli -Edition on Seoond Pa^e.

=..■ : n - ■■ --> . ----- ; - ;■■: : : -e ; - ■ POA.OisrO FJEBKETJ-V I?I ±4=. 1891.

Buke XII— 27.

- % ®B ISTo ka M^akahiki.

Our Carrīet*8dys'ore Nc>t A!hwed to v $e// the "Ehfe" on the stroets, T H E E TLt 3$ L E , OrriCE, NO. 63 WN8 «TRHT. fubli>had f!rery Saturday SIomliiy by the Elele PubUihing pmj>»nj. - SURSOBIPTIONS; - . "OneYear... ® Six Months.................. 2M Thtee MonthB 100 Oae month 40 8ingle eop?. ' Sub»cr'tptiunt Colltcttd Invariab(y in Advance. M O?(S. l»fRnasrer. HONOLULU FEB. 14, 1891.