Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 25, 31 Ianuali 1891 — AN ABANDONED WIFE. J.W. Luning of Honolulu and His Departure A WOMAN DYING IN MISERY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


J.W. Luning of Honolulu and His Departure


King Kalukaua Orders thai Bb® iie-— cejye Inametliate Aid from His Pdvate Pnrso—A Tēry Pitiful Case. A woman lies dyingjthis morning in the back room of a Crerman bakery , situated on Siiteenth street, ncar Mission. Her go!den hair, wliieii woukl fall to the feet could ghie stand, is tossedabout thcpillowoflier wrecthed pallet, The room is very small and has no window. It is what the hotel people would eall a "hall" room,_ and t<-> ge{ 15ght they have a eo'l-oi! lamp that smokes. ; Thē old German woman who keepa the bakeiy bas a Bweet face. Her aame is Frau £Luffmaim # and ahe earns a scanty pittHnce from the aale of cakes and "doughnuts. ABAXDOKE». The sick woman'a nam© is Luning, and ehe was le.ft withoui a eeni of money nearly ten weeta ago.' Onee upoo a time in Honolulu she had kno'wn Mrs. H'affii)ann, and in her dire distress disoovered her presence [in a eity-full of strangera. The old ;Gterman woman gave her shelter in ?her modest hōme, and since then the 'pooi ereature has been slowly fading out of thia life on a bed of the se,verest pain that- ean visit a woman lor a man. Her malady is ulceration lof the stomach and th"e convulsions undergoes are only terminated by the oblivion of delirium. There waB another friend discovered- here, ho-vvever—Dr. Webb, whe |was onee in Honolalu. He has been !supplving medical aid and what sub[sistence the woman conld receive from Jthe time when o!d Frau Huffmann him. The doctor rēfuses to r»ay anything Rbout the eaee, but the talk loudly, so do the who hail from th? Kā7-aiian |islands and know some of tne īscts. 1 THE LUN!N6B. M J- W- Luiiing, the husband A is an : ; Englishman, who told people in Uie t islaiids when -ho first arrived, that ho a nephew of the late Xicholas of San Francisco fume. who knew him in Austi~alia that a dozen years ago he mei. now abandoued wife in Mel--Iboume. -*hsre> sha was a beautiful |gir"i witli a good fortune and es.ee 11position. She loved him as mueh 3as she aoes iiow and trusted him aa !«leeply with all she had. He married *her and the two eame to San Fi*an|cisco. Here he spent all his youug |wife's money in stock speculation |and then dregged her with him to iHonolulu. Business instincts began fto be developed in the man, and he |started out as a money lender about two months after his arrival there. His wife went to work too, and several years evervthing thri\ed with them. Finally f with a fortune of $50,(KW, thevv went to Seattle, Waah, and set tip in bnsine?is. There the wife wss taken stiddenly 111 about October last, and soon afterwards the eame to San Francisco. They stopped at the Occidental Hotel first aud then moved to oa Sutter street. Presentlv he found other quart<?rs for his siek wife in Byrant 1 TO HO^OLrir- ■ Afier the wife ha<l be«n tucked oarefully awav Luuing had a good time -He visited the Bobemian had be<ju put up i visiting jmenil>er, aud enjoyetl the society ol tli«» jolliest people there, being lpres«ut at all tlie ban<juets. j PreseutU it was about J»oT«mber «20th -Luuing quietly depart<xl for |the Hawaiian lslandsi. | Tlie faets of the easo were broughi ;oefore certain ..LiwAiian visitors «nd they in£ormed OoU-nel Macfar]Uvie. Kina Kalftksua s Orand Cham!herlain. HU Majesty was verr |i«digimnt owr the ease* and dirtvtod |tliat a sufTicient svun bo £ent to the Kinfortuuate woman at onee to relieve ||ior immediate ntvess ; ,tios and soothe fhor dying hours. Ipolonel Macfarlane himsoU >-iu the severes4t tornis to tho Enaminer Rreporter last evening, and ttere it ao gdoulyī that Mr L.unir,g will hear Rsoroething eonoem īng his ijih«maii lator on. 1 5. I\ Emsnhur,Jitn. 2Sth P Woleam tliat the uirfortunat<? woinan referr*d to . * diM h\ San EFrwncisHH>, oa Jan. l£th>