Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 25, 31 January 1891 — THIS BEATS THE RECORDS. [ARTICLE]

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Aa Klehi-lak, Il(ht-OuBc« tt«by lu _Carthiige, Mo„ Nav. 26.—T0r0 Hodges, a uiiūiii on Tiger Hilli iii the uoiih part of fchis city, aud ii\s wife Maiy bad liumireds 01 cali©rs at th«3kr bujuible to seiV tfteir little dauglitev, who ar,ive<l Tliursday. Tlie causo of such neigk borly devolion is ou accouut of tlio amall'.\ess of tlie uew ar -ivaL Bh*j is uot more thau e 'ght i iehos loug and will uofe weieh more thtui ni.m ouuoes. all uppeaiuueea fhe ohiU st?oxxg aud lieaKhy aad is well u.-o-poriiouvKl. bright aiul «otiv... with sptirkling Hke dlamoudsi Tho dock>r atut othor atttuiaautji are v f ihe puiuiou that it wdl lno. aml if ii will cervainlv outrival Ton> *8 a midget. f Au idoa of its may Ih>i fon»*u when it is known that an oi-J fing«r ring m»\ 1h» piaoed ov« >! baud up to tlui Biu»vJder. t\ ,] iui>g )H>wer il Oiui riv»l am big, f{<t| U Kv t i» the ueigbborhood. Tl.ef ne'ghbors are all proud uf U *nd* s P m> to in*ke the woihuil oouiloiieihlo. I