Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 14, 15 Nowemapa 1890 — THE KING'S SPEECH ON THE OCCASION OF THE Prorogation of the Legislature of 1890. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THE KING'S SPEECH ON THE OCCASION OF THE Prorogation of the Legislature of 1890.

NOBLES AND BEPKESEXTATIVi;S: Your arduoas and protrftctedlal)ors during th*e Session of 1890, liaving eome to a close, ī siueeroly cougrat«late you that j*ou ean return īo your homes vrith the satisfaction tbat you ha\e zealotisly ondeavorod to discliarge the important and onerous duties imposed upon \'on ljy the Electors t>f the Kingdom" to tl/e best of yodr abilities. The very liberal appiopriatious made, whieh are somewhat in excess ofthe estimated reveuues of tlie Couutiy, wiil necesaitat« on tlie part of Ministers a careful aud eeono mieal administratiou of thc funds ut their disposal in orderthat an oquitable distribution may bo iuado of the satue iti the various Districts of the Kiugdon\. I desire to oxpross My lugh appivciation of all those who at eonsiderable sacrifice of time and j>ersonal interests have dovotod (hoir services to Legislative duties. TIie eipeiienee gained by Iheni iu tho Legislature will euahle them to e\p];iin' more elearly to their Constituei;ts j the unremitted interesl I and ' Ministers take in the xvolfai'o und; progress, iuoral and oom uoivial, of! the Hawaiian Kingdoiti. JV0W<'s ii »h/ Iit'pre$t nkitiv<n: ; I pray the Abnighty th i* He m.w ■ continue His blessiugs to llow upou; vou and Our beloved Coui ry. ; I now declare tlūs 2jt j *gislature 1 prorogued. 1,

One of the principle features_ of His Majesty's \birtliday celebratioa 7 is tho llail JRoad exGūreioii to Pearl Citv autl Hoiioiiiiuli. Tiae fare to both plaees and return is ouly fifty and seyenty-fivo eents. Tlie train starts at 0:15 A. M., aml every two hoxirs thereaite.r.

N. S. Baehs, one of tlie iiiost pop.ular of our dry goods merohants has an entire new stock of Chrismas and New ¥ear's goods at his store. Families des.iring full value for their money, will do well to give Mr. Sachs' a eall. A general inspeetior of these goods is solicited. Tho Ilonelulu Fi>'e I>cpartr!i(>nt will parade this evening at 7:30 o'olook, A Grand Torch-Light Prooession wiil be ft>rmßd at tl>p. Ra]l Tower Engine Ho«se No. 2, whieli will then marcli to tlie Pala.ee." The Regatta in Honor of His Majesty's birthday will start at 10 A. M. yaehts competing. The Rowing races will take plaeō at 1 p. M.