Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 14, 15 Nowemapa 1890 — IN THE RIGHT PLACE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We a.re pleased to know that througli His Ēxcellenee our Minster of Foreigh Affairs John A.; Cummins, HisMajesty the Kitig's bii";liday, will be celebrated in a becoming manner. His Majesty's birthday has until the last two years always been a public liolidayofnumerousamusefients. The day has alw&ys been looke;i forward to, as a day of amusement and miHh, »nd we are glad to see a return of old times, wlien our wives, children, and old men, ean make merry on tlie King's birthday. The commiinily are gratified at the able asbistance fiven the Minister of Fore:gu Af?airs yC. B. Wilson Esq., Hc ;i. C. F. laukea, Major Samuel Nowlein and others, all of whoni have dme eieellent work to make His Majesty s birthday a day of Jubilee.