Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 14, 15 Nowemapa 1890 — THE "ELELE" GREETS HIS MAJESTY KING KALAKAUA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We are sorry, that on evory oeeasion. We cannot with a good Grace, say pleasant things of ptibiic men. who we desire to t.hink kindly of, and would most assuredly do so, were the fault not their own. The coming fifty-fonrth anniversary of His Majesty's birthday, affords tl "Eleio ' a pleasure nofc erery day accorded tttis [ia{jer to hearti\y anā kntiifTisly Greet Hzs Ma]esty tho King wiih a »incere aloka. To be candid, His Majesty has in the past and will in the futnre have our liumhle in giving to his people a good and a iiuppy administration of affairs. We know fnll well tlie many trials His Majebty has had in maintalning the lionor, dignity, and credit of this little Kingdom, more especially in the last three years, scareely anything was left nndone by people who elaim for themselves the title of Hi» Majesty's loyal and faitlifal subjeets (sic) to disiminate our little Kingdom of Hāwaii from tlie gveat family of nations. Bnt ; thanks to a kind and ever ruling providence and His Majesty King Kalakaua our little Kingdom stands to-day. The }jriglit Star of Oeeaniea in the great family of nations. Long live King Kalakaua.