Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 14, 15 Nowemapa 1890 — CHIEF JUSTICE BEATTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Manner in Which He Surprised a Banko Mau.

[ - You all ku<nv Chief») ustieo Beatty of the 8upreme Court. of eoui-n'' Wo!l, I eau teil you a little ston abaut im»onuoetiou with the shollsuulpea game that will oftset the ileaeo!i's swihdlod lawyer. Kot iuany monih* ago the Chief Justiee, while iu ihe southern p,ivt of the Btato. tooka iuu v>\ei- to Sau Diego.aeeonij»anietl bv 'leuiple. lt oarl\ 'he nevt UH>rning that they deeide<l to tak<« a stro!l dowu the l>eaoh ;ui-l inh&le the «,lolightfvil ooean luve?e. TUe beaeh was desertetl. audHl-ey 1 waiuleml akmg for somedistiinee<»is ( eufwing Y&riou$ nuvttei-s. :

a mau }jove into si /■ He was ivalkizig 8)owly towar, aT o^er his l<?ft drm wa«, spr©aa i), tercliief , ;md he was gazing steu<lily at it, appareiitij uiicoase.ious tuat auyone w.as looking al }>im. When the Justiee eame within speuking distance Mr. Beatty hailed the man, ahd asked him what absorbed him. The stranger loōked up in surprise, and then explained. '' sTou see these three walnut shells?" he said; "well there was a fellow did a triek at the hotel yesterday with them and a pea like this. It cost me Sloto knowho.w it w r as done, and it ! s one of the |prettiest tricks I ever saw." ""What is the trick?' ' .Tn/lgi3 Templ<!, h:noeeutlv. . _ . "Whvsaid the stranger, ' '1 just move the shells around in thisīashion andyou couldn'tguess whie'li oue the pea is undor to save your lifo. " I ean," chipped in Jndgo Beatty and he pointed to tlxe •shell nearest hiin. Sure enough the pea was under it. The stranger scratehed his head and looked troubled. He eomplained again about the trick having costhim ten dollars, and then askedtlie ; Chief Justice to tvy agaitv. Tiie J\vj- , tice did so ; an.d gv\eased itright ery I iime,see'mingly mueh to the stranger's chargrin. While this was going 011 two other strangers happened aloug, and became greatly intarested in 1 what was going on. The fiirst stanger slvit'ted thē shells around again—this time more dextrously than before— and challenged the Ohief .Jn>4.ice to guess again. Th« latter smiled and said it was no trouble at all. The shell man offered to bet $10 that he couldn't, /tnd one of the new arrivals aceepted tlis w^ger —backlng the Justice. The Justice guesseditand gamester was out another §10, whieh fact seemed to worry liim •greatly. But he \yas plucky and shifted the sheils agam, this time oftering to bet the Justice $20, that he conuldu't guess it right. Heither of the new arrivals ofFered to back the .Justiee this iimep and he was ex.pecced. to put up his owu money. But Beatty had left them run just about far enough, and throwing himself into the attitude of genuine "sport,"poked his finger at the trio and said: Say my friend, what d'ye take me for, hey? Why, I played that game ,over in Nevada for a commission bpforQ you were born. I'm one of the profesh." Justice Temple was paralyz9d, "but tlie funiest sight was the way those three sharpers made tracksout of that locality.