Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 11, 25 October 1890 — ATTORNEY GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. [ARTICLE]

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In the aocounts of this Departmenfc we find the following irregularities,, viz: 1. (< Pay of Poliee" ,account has been charged with such items as horse fe3d,hor,seliiro,h;.iekliire stationary,bedding,etc. Tliese itemsproperly belong tO the appropriation for "Incidentals Civil and Criminal Expenses." 2. An ifcem for guns purchased of the Pacific Kardware Co., has been divided nnd improperly charged to both of the above named appropriations.

3. We furiitor fmd tliat besldes eoniinuon* payments m«do for liael; hiro, tho folloxring' bills wei'e eoutracfced therofoi\ ags»regating §-106.60 whieh wei'O not paid until ihe begining of Jannary, 1890,,wh0n Uie amounts were -settled by the follo\ving consecutivolv (ir.iwn tlrafts;- — Ko. 442, Haek hirc from Jan. t<% Jui.o. I8&3 §■ S4 50 " 443 lliiek kir< j fr«»m Jan. to June, 18t9 . 8o 50 444, Ha-ek hi.ro fivm July 1888, to Jan. 1889 122 2r> 445, Haek hiro from Jnly 188U, to Jan. 1890 341 Uo

l\>iai . s iOt> 00 [ To a!lo\v iiaok ac,'o«nts io- mn f V t\VOyecU*?t lVlUst BOCCKsaviīy to;ul oj : irrogulaviHt>!*, in allawing sul>or»l i-1 UAtt>s to t?i*6at«> l)iUs of this <~ h HV«u L ix I v, | whioh «iv thus v'ntaaUv jvuiov*hl j from tho super\-ision and oontfol o { ! klio w«[H»naiblo hea l J>op<usu i Wo ooiulonm ho'.U ilio moiS;v . a»ul pr,'Utioo 4. \\, tv : ,l fo"r u.oul, H' «N . • , , 0 , h.uv luo'i ; w v p!o\ ( i:v T •,(, «■ S!.,r, OUt ;v/ v ,f v . \ouoll«?*> \.U ;liv\ osj l.vuu;i»;i \ t> tho olyvN 10. h ox|K Uvittui\;s l>4ul l»o«n inounwl, For iu-v

Uie' fi)iiow:ug bill is nnele oui-to J. H. Soper, February 23, 1890:Shects and pillow cases . ... ? 175 Wagonette, all daj......... -15 00 Saddle horse, aīl dav 5 00 !otal '* 2175 5. We ilnd that the Marshal of the King(lorn lias fbllowed tlie un-business-like. practice of drawing mf>ney from the Government Trēasurv to pay certaiu bills already eontraeted and theu witliholding paympnt tliereof in some cases for several months. For instance, wē find that on January 31. 1890, the Marshal drew $4,737.85 as r 'Pay of Poliee," bjit included in this amount several bills for Incideufalg., »ome of whieh bills wure not paid br liim until the end of Mareh foliotving aml tho beg'inning of April. - .6. UiKioi' the appropri*tion ' Coroner's Inquests," we find that a bill of $25. <Tue. Dr. Trōu§seau fox Post ihōrlem examiuatipn on the body oT -,E;nily Kaolelo, was paid twiee to Mv. Chas. T. Crulick; onoe on lfov. 9, 1888, and again oa January 31, 1889. ' •

7. For inf6rmation of t;i3 ,Legislatui;e \ve giye bolow tho disburseraeuts for: appropriatioti { - ; I»icidentars. Ciyil and Uriminal Section 1 and -1: Beotion 1. Section 4. Printing | 355 00 | 10 50 .Informers 1,207 05 * •ScppliesPoliee" UU "" 455 W Assistant Counsel ' 3,160 00 Stationeiy Ji.ttoruey—Gen'l Department. 252 49 15 10 St'tion'ry Mar- . shal l)ep ! t . 249 03 Travelling Espenses ... 1,477 00 100 00 Clerk & Janitor ....840 25 25 00 Poliee 388-32 Horse feed, m'nnt'd Poliee. 632 93 T(ile.piiones ... 830 00 5 00 Purclia&e o£ - Law Books 161 10 16 25 īcs •... 70 ' 130 Newspapers.. 82 00 12 50 Miscellaneous 1,070 04 67 85 - Total.. . §12,000 00 $708 75

Under Section 1 the appropriation was $12,000, all of whieh was drawn; while under Section 4 thē appropriation was $5.000, of whieh $708.75 has beeh drawn. It also appears that during the last Mennial period the practice has been followed of paying bills contracted in tlie preceding period. Among others are sucli bills as Telephone rentsrunning from July 1. 1887, and subscription to i)aily Bulletin riuining from Nov 1, 1887,

8. Utider vouclier. No. 93, we find the amount of $415 ha§ been paid !orprmtmg the Plamtiffs bri fia the suit, "Minister of Interv r vs | Estate Mr*. B. P. Bishop," audj charged to tue above iiamed appropriation īnstead of to "Expenses of fcjuits relutive to land,s cailed un- j assignod lunds and Government claim.s i iniand.'' ~ j 9. T\ e find that oa JairaaiT 22 J 1890, animiberof bills.were paid muloi-' ; voucher No. 446 $253.35. This amoimt iucluded camage hir<\ hort>e hiro. witnoA-ses, iufornjers, aml !oilging, freights< ;subpo?iuis, v»tc\» eto,' all ofwhiohj bilis wero contracted l»v tho MariihaīJ froui Apnl 1888 to d:de of paywent | Wo wkh to strongly ?rondoran ' ;including meutioiu d the pr:u-tico of aceujuulating i \ holdiug uupaid all Kioh b»Un f i ■long poriods, ! 1?> I u balanoiug the cath at *'

{ tVheo sStittioix wo fi»4 tho x iu . *\.s.h aoovmnts kopt tho~ t , to l- '\>- I loom\ Aocon\mt>; lo tho ht ks jthooffioo thoiv?aHHiia:haw» l u u i $4 ; l>ut Wui Ui| ' | oalsju o vtn liulod sovokal momoian « j iilUn \ ouohoi"i> Aiul h AUIOUU? • jr|uvsoutoa by 1, t>, l'- s, whiohl v.irKv ;uvoun;,\U.i>r I>\ tho of 1 lifo ot \\;ijTiv> \.'" j\Hioonu-n. lt «»nr oj*ini< ui ttiut ?ho o,a>lu', i h;is Uoi n ahv\>*otl o■■' uvomo l;iM!V£ iu k»;i> >>tao;no *n\l \\o -o « v »u w3;v <!. . |»ur«\>u ; ot oon^lnoiw ai i\ H.vorvl,vi;vo wit'h husuHN*. [&rui«uplo>\ i

11. \Yo the "Cōntingeiit| FuuiT' appropriation has been cliarg-, ed witli as per voucher No. 490,; jfor »'letective ser-vices remlered iii j San. Francisco, for wliieli neltber] details nor original bills are render-: etl. -Thcso latter arē said to be witli | tlie private p ipers ōf tlie Attornev- . General, and as they are Ltlleged to' be of a very confidential nature, aml - upōn thc requesō of the AttorneyGeneral, vour Committe did not in- ; sist upon tho production of the origirml vouchors. 12. In regard to the raanagement and conduct of State Tria!s we fmd that tbe sum of ?5,16Q has been paid to' connsel for assisting the Attorney<reneral, viz:— - Paid J. .. 50 00 " V. y. Ashford ... 300 00 " C. Creighton. . ..... 100 00 "' A. E. Hiiolieoek:'..; 10 " W. A. Wliiting 200.00 " A. R05a.......... . 5000 "" P. Neumann......... 150 00 " J. L. Kanlukou .... 200 00' , " .A. S. Hartwell, „... 900 00 " F. M. Hatch........ 1,100 00 " C. L. Carier . . 100 00 ■A. S, Hartwell., . ... 1,780 00 " P. Neumann....... . 250 00 Totai ". &.160 00

T\ e find tliat of tlie al>ove meneioned aiuounts of ?900 tind 31,100 paid Messers. A. S. Hartwell anu F. M. Hatch respectivēly* §1,000 tliereof Āva9 paid to F. M. Hatcli and S5OO to A: S. Hartwell for aiding in tlie proseeution of the riotsrs ofJaly3o, 1889. Wo furtlier find that said A. S. Hartwell ieft Hawaii long before tlie trials eaine on for bearing and did not participate in said trials, Tfae bai .nee of the amount, §400, paid Mr. 3artw3ll, we find to be tlie sum pai l him assist in defending the Attorney-General in the latter ? s eaae of "Contempt of Court" arising out of tlie trial of the well-known case of Eex ts. Robertson; and that said amouni was charged to "lucidentals'' of the Attorney-Genei»rs oiEee.

ls ;'d. fco P6m.ft.iīxiti.g sum of $1,750 paid A. S. Haxt>vell, ie, findj 1 that for Said amount Jie agread in 1 Tvriting with the Attorney-General, ! rsgarding tlie rs ßishop Estate Law Suits, ' "* * * to advise the Government as to all furtherproceedings that niay aeem necessary | for the recovery of any of those ,unassigned lands and also to conduct tbe defensb oi any suit in Equity that shall be brought for the purpose of avoiding the result announced by the Court in the case alreadv tried; . « * and that upon such agreemeut been properly signed the Attoruey-General drew &aid sum from 'he appropriation of $3.000. "For Expenses?of suits i«lative to lands called unaaigued "lands and Govermnent claiins to landa/' and paid the sum to M. HartwelL Tour Comiuittee is thus explioit | m the statement of facts concerning j the expenditures of extra ainouni* in this Department for several reaaona, j A few years ago the Attorney-Geu-; J er*l of the Kingdom was allo\ved by : law a clerk only; a Heputy \vas afteri ward appoinfcad for the express pur- | po.Ka ut assistmg the Attorn-y-Ger«c~ j ral, hy representiug him ū\ r u ]- j iee Courts of the Kingdam; and lato*! ! H". wo find that a prosecutiug atU>iM } ney has boen apjxnnted to assist ihū< j M«vshal. The Deputy Attoriu>y-Ge:i-' j eral's servioes t:ieivfvu\> ave no\\! | alm<»st whoHy utiliaed iu thq oftho At*o«wy-l.ki>ei»J, h riajMi-! with tho of State tviaH v T j * th". invesEigati<>« we ilwvl | 10 \«mctiee cf retaimng extra • for assisfciug in the pyoseeu> ' vio;G or defenee of St«te tri«ls !> u.5- j

ltso!f l>y oustoiu ;r\»n tht> lVpuvuaoni s nniii it is Mkoly luvomo moiv or loss o{ » bni\W» to * Ū o tvwnno;. if «ihnvoa aane-' j ti ni aU>ug with tho c\lxh hoip U o-1 f v« ss,-uily pi\>\iUovi ioi\ ,vs tho busme>4 iof thU Do|vartmout iucwasiōvlv | j - li Withont roformvg to| |tho Attoruoy-GouorAl s DopsuUueuJ • for tho j»as*t hioniml ; orav\l. iho faot' . t'o»vos up\;\ v«uiv Ooummio, ; that tho ouston> , ; vv>; ? vio\ v \h a ! tooui«>ol !lA< Wvn r-,\{ to sn o\ts> u'-o ■ vf Uot aoiu;Ul\ ii; iuvt*no i b\ sst\i v \ts~n lo 1 - to suiu> tho ,x il th< Am»rut.\ -iivuoy»l, ns saUi v. for » *.n«U or »uoro o( iao hiouuUi jhu kk! ' lu th« pa&oiU cuso tho Aiuouul oC I

r;tra counsol fecs amoank io $5.160, fr." ovor one voar'spaj of tlie AttornevGen£ral. . 4. Wliile vour Committee-' do nofc visU to insin«ate that citlier the prcs"ēnf Attor"ney-Ōc.'Tieral or lik predec«ssovs bave aLused tho authority Ly ou3tom conferretl upou the»i in tiiis rt>gard, yet we feel ou. Jaty to iitsist that tiie eualom and practice opon to abuse«, whieh may he encourago b) r tliG convenience and politicul -enviroiiment of ofiieial iueuinhenee. 5. In illnstration of this position tre wish to refer to the "Contempt of Court" ease, mentioned above. •«herein tlit Attorney-General, we believe an.d so£nd, usedf4j¥>of pni,n„ monies for the purpo«se of hiriag eounael to defendanOfficia] Contempt of Court, alleged to have boeu <;ommitted himself in behalf of a velation, who was the legal defendant ia th« easo of ' Kex. ts. IloberLson." Without furthercommont upon this or athcr oases S arising in the late Attorney-Generars Department, such m the paymeat of $2,000 m *the • 'Bishop Estate Law Case,'' etc., etc., your Committee are of the opinion 'jihat in all easesinvolving theemploy- ; mont of extra counsel to aid the Gov- ■ ei-nmenl, %vh~erein such eases are not itirectīy provided for by law, the in--lefesi of the finances of the Kingdom and of the authority of Department3 demand t-hat such extra expejuse should have the coiiāent and sanction of tbe entire Cabinet.