Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 1, 16 ʻAukake 1890 — ROYAL MESSAGE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


lolani PaTace, Honolulu, August 15th, 1890. Tp the Honōrable J. S. Walker, President of ihs legis~ laiiue Assenibly of the Kingdom. Sir:—ln view of the Petition submitted to Me by the Delegates from the People of tlie several districts of the principle Islands of the Kingdom, on the ,14th in. respect of the Constitution prouiulgated by Me on tke 7th d&y of July, A. I>. 1887, setting forth certain grievances .in said Petition for the good of tlie Coi»monwealth and the welfare of My People, and tliat the prayer of their Pefitions l>e laid before and acted upon by Your Honorable Body; Therefore,

It is Our Royal Ploasurc that thc Legislative Assc;nbly of the King«dom take snch measure as would carrv o\\t the ihtentiou of the People e\pressed in that and provide tho r€lief tht>roin piftyed as may seem propor to Our Legislature. Kalakaua IvEX.