Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 1, 16 August 1890 — THE CONSTITUTION. [ARTICLE]

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A b>{e MeiiU» W>(t l'puii HU «ud vraut a roDit!tutl»u*l Conventlon.

Tb©comrnlttee apppihted at ft m&ssaieeting lieUl on Palaee Square soine weeks ago, >vitJidel®gatesfrom eonntry districts, roet this mprnmg ut tlie hall' '5f Ējigine Gd. No. 4, corner of Bere-' iania aud Nnunmi streets, for the purpose of proceediiig to the Palaee tc> present the resolntiōni odopted at the mass-aieeting, togetiier with a petition, to His Maje»ty for the appoihtmeiit of a conveution to rerise the c6iiBtitntion. A proeession was forojed, und led by the Eoyal Hiiwaiian Bhikl , marched down to uml along King,streēt. to the makai gate of the Roynl Palnee. Crowds of spectators asseuibled about the Palaee Sqnuio and onthe sidewa]ks on the line of proceasion. with Kilu in front bearing aloft the Huwaiian flag. Mr. Georg« Markham aeted as marshal »jtnd cavried the petition. An engj:ossed cof)y of tjie reBo{ntio»i adopted atthe tnnss-njeeting was borne by«Mr. Palekalnhi. The proet'ssioiiists, iHI native Hawaiians, wearing tiill hats, fnll dress suits and white gloveB, presented a highly respectable appenrance. No deQion»trations wero mnde by the spectfttors. The pi*ocession filed into the Paīaee gronnds whither it was aceorapanied by a quiet and ordei-ly co«/pany of uien, worn«n aiul eliiKlien totlie rmmber of jirobftbiy about fiv« hundred. T(»e delagation was vfcceiyed af, the Palape by Mr. James W. Robertson, Vice-Cliumber3ttiu, mid ad»"itted to Rudience of His Majesty with whom there were present Col. O. W. Maefaylane, H. M. 3 s Charal" lain, the Hon. J. A. Cominins, Mmister of Poreiga Affain», nnd Hon. Godfrev Brown, Minister of Piuaoee.

The pelition w«s presented by liidg« S, K. "Mahoe, chairman of the delegation. Followiīig is the petition: To Youii Most Gracious Majesty, Diyit> Laamea Kalakaua, By ihe Grace o/ God o/ the Haimiian Inlunds, King: We the Committee of Your Majesty's subj#(?tB, reqnest to present tbe sentiraent of the Nation, and foy the benefit of the Crown, the coontry and tho, people, and, Whereas, we have been appointed a Conventiona:l Committee of Your Ma}esty's siibjeots, present from the Islandsof Hawaii, Maōi, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, amlLanai, and,

WkereaB, in a tneeting of tbe Conventional Comiuittee of tb« Kiugdoui assomble<3 i» tbe- City of Hooolulu, Island* of Oahu, o» th« 9th day of Augnst, A. D. 1890, it whs yotfd, in accordanoo witb the strong feelings of th© subjects in the different districts wbom we uow represent, to present to Yoar Maj6sty*s tb« petitīou of Yuur subjectg, au<Ī,

! Whereas, Your Majesty was forced to aboligb tbo Constitution ofKaraehameha, V, witbout allowing You prop«r time to consider and consult «rith Your snbjects iu regard to the Constitution whioh was forced upon You, and is«t present in force r and as suob was a very disgraceful act to the Cro#n of sJ#waii nei, und placing You in a vety fceeulinr prediaanjent, aud wbfch Yon could not preveut at that time; therefore You approved and signed tbe said Constitution under tbi*eats; and.

Whereas, the rights and privileges of tlie ballot box given to Your subject h} 1 " the Ooustitution of Kamohameha V, on the 20th day of Augusft, A. D. 1864, nnd amended by King Lunalilo in the year 1873, and anieudetl again in tbe year 1874 iu the rei@d of Yo«r Majeaty, said rights of Youf sabjects hūve bt? taken from themV And Yo«r subjeets were forced to bē Hm\m \inder thē present Cv>nstitution,' in v>i\ler that thoy might have tlieir nghts at the ballot box; and if they did not eonstent to be sworn, tliey would liave been deprived entiix>ly of their right to vote; and,

\V hereas, ou aceouut of tlie iuauy objectious uow spriugiug up iu the Ki»igdom of Hawaii aml iimoug Your people v. ith to llie preseut Coustitution, obstrūetl»g all uiauuer of work aud promotiou of peaee iu Uie l;uu!. as vell perfect persional safety. hitherto enjoyed l>y Your mdejHHHlent Oovernmeut ofHawaiiuoi; aud,

Wherens. Your Majesty's sul>jcot> canuot bear \vith jvitieuee its troubles uud*r the piTVeu( CVveiitntiou, »ad

in order to wipe out tliese difficulties ānd to set at ease the minds of Your stibjects; there'fore, Be ii Resqlvetl f tliat thePetition of Your subjects be a good cause for our King to request tlie Legislature to enact a Law authorizing You to eall a Conyention for the purpose of drafting a suitable and equitable Con«titution for Yo.ur" Kingdom iminediately after tlie prorogation of tlie Assmembly of IS9O. And Your petitioners will evev PW' ; [Signed.] I H Tell f J A E.aliooiiei, J Heleluhe, G Mai:kliaiii, Cluis B Dwight, G W Kualaku, 3 Kekipi, A K Palekalulii, M Palau, S K Aki, J Keau, J Poe, K Kukaulnlii, P K-ilaiia, H Makalii, S Kila, ,1 S K Kukahiko, E N Boyd, C B Maile. S" H Meekapu, J W Bipikane, K Makekau, J N Paikuli, J B Pamaianlu, J Naholowaa , S K Mahoe, J .P'r'endergast, S K Keaweolu, J H Barenaba, A Kauku, J Uaka., J Kalama. H West, W Mossman, N Kekaula, E Kēkoa, P Pekelo, D W Kamaliikane, M Kapoi. J Haulani, W B Kaleihuio, H P_Puaakiwa , E Wilcox. Followi«g is His Majesty's Reply: JupGE S. K. Maiioe, ChairmAn of

Delcgatos. fi-om tho People. /S7r:—ln reply to tlie petitiou prescnteJ to uae tLe delegntes from the several electoml distriets of tlie Kingdoin. I announeo tlu'oagii yoa and the otlier 4elegates, to iny peoplo, tliat tlieii' shall reeeive my consicleration. I eonimenel i.he propriety wiiii whieli yoxi liave pxesented tlie >yislies of tlie people, using your cou§titrutip3ial riglit to present their petition for the redress of grievances. I shall submit tlie matter to the Legislature and request thatbody to take , tlu\ steps required to earry out the desires of c my people, in whose behalf this petition has been laid before me.

The gentlemen of "the doli3gntioi'r' ou coming oui of the J?alaee ; seerned to bo j>leased %v'it]i ihp res\}lt of their missiou, several of theiu remarking to. enquiries from tlie spectators. "allright," "all ri'ght" The procession rē-formed and marfelied to headqnarters at Arion Hall, wlien L several shōrt impromptu speechesj were made from the verandaJi, the speakers being cheered by the crowd. —Bulletin, Aug. 14.